Ch- 19 Cupids arrow 🌱

492 22 7

I step out of the auditorium and into the hallway


I turn

"Sorry sir the service for the party decorations delivery  canceled on us last minute.." The blue haired girl said, fumbling her thumbs and avoiding my eyes

"Eh?!.." A sigh escapes me

"Mr Isen!" A green haired boy sprints down the hall "The stall for the newspaper club collapsed and" there are no supplies to fix it

"What the fu-" 

"Mr Isen! the-"

"Oh for the love of god!" I scream in complete frustration

Nothing has been going right for the sports festival preparations, and there's only a week left until its time.. not the mention i got appointed vice captain of the preparations after only two weeks of helping out.. and the head is sick with only god knows what disease so he isn't at school to ease my load

Who even gets sick in these times?

"I think I'm going mad.." I heave, not noticing the figure behind me

"Haven't you already done that though?"

I turn to see Blyke, a smug smile on his face as usual

"You serious!"

"Is it really that bad? I could lend a hand if you want me to" Blyke beams

"No its alright.. but why'd they even appoint me to this hell anyways?" My hand finds it self to my forehead

"It could've been Cecile..or even Remi" I continue to babble on

"Well you do have a knack for leading when you put your mind to it" He smiles

"And you've got good charisma"

My chest flutters, butterflies start to build in my stomach

"What the hell..why're are you being so nice today dude,"

Blyke eyes widen a bit, his eyes avert somewhere else, something I haven't seen him do in a while.

"I was just.. ah nevermind" my head tilts, eyes unconsciously latching onto his ears

A subtle pink tint spreads on them

Is he blushing?

I slap myself mentally,

no way, why would he be? I bet this idiot got sick or something. The butterflies in my stomach start to drop one by one

I heave and look to the side

"Alright, well im gonna go see if i can fix the mess at the stalls" i start to turn before a hand stops me

"W-wait.." A timid voice says behind me

Something in my chest starts to build again

"Do you wanna go to a boba shop with me..?" Blyke coughs up

"I mean i havent tried it before so i wanted" He backtracks, letting go of my wrist

"Sure" my brain shoots out, head not even registering the full sentence

Blykes blimks rapidly, lighting up a second after, he gladly tells me where and when we should meet before hopping off to go somewhere else

I stand there, blankly staring, brain still short circuiting

My senses snap back to like a light switch thats been turnt on

This is normal.. we hang out all the time..

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