Ch-8 Cameras? i dont see shit!

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I twist the knob, feeling cold ac chill my skin

Surprisingly nobody had come yet out of the 3 students called. If i had known i was early i wouldve taken the time to get a snack before arriving

Sharp eyes hooks onto me

..Great so its just me and Principle Vaughn.. i glance towards him, eyes meeting

I lower my head and say good morning, deciding not to seat myself on one of the sofas infront of his desk but to instead lean against the door to the hall, not caring if it seems rude

He stares silently, a soft smile on his face

This man had always made me uncomfortable, it felt like he had some sort of odd expectation of me that i should try my absolute best to uphold..god just thinking about makes me cringe.

Not long after the door opens, revealing seraphina

My expression lightening as i wave


Walking through the door i spot John, i honestly thought my ears were playing tricks on me when i heard he had got called in along with us

My heart spikes. After all me Remi and Arlo are fine since the school tends to care less about our actions due to our tier, but what about john? Hes a cripple, with no social standing, or..outstanding grades, what if they suspend him?

"Hey sera..!" An attempt at a whisper comes from beside me

"Oh..hey..John" I whisper back failing to sound enthusiastic about this predicament.


"Whats got you so down? Im sure they wont be too harsh on you since you're a god tier" He chuckles though it feels bitter sweet

"Yea..but what about yo-"

The door creaks open once again, this time revealing Arlo and Remi

My heart quickens even more, theres still hope tho right..? Maybe he didnt call us for sneaking in last night and its something completely un-related..




I sigh in exhaustion and relief closing the door gently behind me

It turns out that yes, it was for sneaking in. (Though im not sure how they knew since i swear i didnt see any cameras) as expected me remi and arlo got away pretty much unscathed aside from a long lecture about our responsibilities as high tiers and how to live up to them. but whats surprising is..

John didnt get punished at all either,

Come to think of it why did he get called but not Blyke, Isen or elaine, who are higher than him?

Its..just not adding up.

"Hey why're you just staring at the floor" a familiar voice laughs

"Oh..i was just thinking" I say, watching John walk slightly ahead of me

"Uhh...alright then! Wanna go to the roof? Classes dont start til 11:30" He suggests, checking his phone

"Maybe later.." I decline, avoiding his eyes

I need some time to think..

He looks at me confused for a second, but brushes it of quickly and waves bye


Shes acting strange.

My heart picks up pace, he couldnt have told her right? He cares about his position..doesnt he?

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