Ch- 31 Sun kissed🏵️

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Remi in a raincoat! - By me :D

(from chapter 30)


(Johns POV)

Gold light peaks through closed blinds, soft rays of light land on furniture and decorate the room in a gold tinge. I shuffle around in silky sheets, sinking further into the pillows. The air feels stagnant and comforting, the sweet aroma of scented candles and the soft sound of clattering dishware in the next room leave me feeling drowsy.

I close my eyes again, the tiredness and fatigue was long gone from my body but getting up was the last thing I wanted to do right now.



I lift myself up sluggishly, wanting to keep at least a fraction of the comfort I had a second ago.

I slide off of the bed and onto the soft rug. I take a quick look around the room, taking in my surroundings before I step onto freezing cold tiles, any sleepiness I had before getting knocked right out of me as a chill runs up my body

Do I really have to get up?

 I groan and don't bother to stretch away any stiffness, I head straight for the kitchen, following the sweet scent of syrup and butter instead.

The soft golden light of the bedroom is replaced by a pale yellow, curtains blowing in the wind and plates being set down on marble counter tops. My eyes follow the movement in the kitchen, catching sight of messy blonde hair and loose clothing, my heart jumps a bit.

"You're awake" Arlo states, staring daggers at me

I look away, getting comfortable in the bar stools around the counter.

"-Yeah" I curse at the shake in my voice, feeling his blue eyes bore into me again.

He sets down a two cup and pours tea in both, I watch the way his eyelashes bat down when he looks at the cups, silently wondering how he can look so perfect in the morning.

Huh, a robot.

"Are you going to school on Monday?" He asks, sitting down beside me

"..Tuesday" I say before shamelessly digging into the pancakes he just served

"The misfits wont stop asking about you."


I take a second before realising who he's talking about, my palms sweat a bit

What the hell are they asking about? The day at the mall? My ability?..

Arlo stares at me for a second, before sighing and putting down his cup

I feel oddly offended by it

"They're worried"

I scoff

"Them? worried about me?" I sneer "You're pushing it."

"If you don't believe me go and check for yourself" He says bluntly before getting up and stepping back into the kitchen. I stare into space for a bit, not minding the hand taking away the plate in front of me, the sound of dishware and running water in the background calms my nerves.

Are they actually worried? or is he just lying to make me feel better.

My nose scrunches up again when I start to go in circles with this train of thought

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