Ch-27 When lies come undone

370 17 12

I huddle to the corner of my bed back against the cold wall and knees to my chest

My eyes sting as I open them 


"Why ?" I ask with a dry throat my thoughts scattering and bouncing off the walls of my room, Its almost like they're dancing, to a song I cant understand. Taunting me 

I reach for my earphones once again, ready to suffocate my thoughts

And the feeling of utter betrayal

My teeth clench down and my eyes shut

"Seraphina..?" I hear a soft voice call outside my door




I press the earphones deeper, ignoring her silent tears and calls


Famil bondung 🏡

Cecile--the real shi TM (muted)
*Remi-- Equality
*Elaine-- Fukk equality
Blyke--Egg thrower
John-- Premium dumbass
Evie -- Ultimate bean


Fukk equality: Soo..

Egg thrower: ...


Fukk equality: ahaha.. nevermind--!



Equality: So this is quite the predicament..

Egg: U think?



Fukk equality: Ahahaha..the weather is really nice today..

Egg thrower: Its the middle of the night..

Fukk equality: oh--

Equality:  Ughh this is so frustrating!

Equality: the chat is broken and nobody is trying to fix it!

Fukk equality: How are we supposed to fix it..? everythings a mess..

Fukk equality: i mean who wouldve thought that John was a..

Equality: Elaine..!

Fukk equality: ..Sorry.

Egg: ......

Equality: No

Equality: It cant stay like this

Equality: Can wr please just talk abt what happend at the mall!

Egg: Hey..Seras still here

Fukk equality: So what! we were his friends too!

Equality: Kinda...

Egg: we shouldnt

Equality: We should!

Egg: we shouldnt..

Sera: we should.

Equality: seraphina--!

Egg: shit here we go..

Egg thrower: Im so sick of this 

Egg thrower: I cant believe that bastard was a god tier this entire time..

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