Ch-31 Talking shit, about shit

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  Agh why is it so hot?..

 I wipe away a bead of sweat and check the time, Its already 8:30 but there's no sign of Remi. I glance towards the school gate one last time for any sign of a pink haired girl.

"Ahh.. its good to be back!" Isen exclaims, as he feigns wiping away a single tear

so dramatic

There's nothing to miss in this place, at least not right now there isn't. The hierarchy is strong to a fault, the violence in the school wont subside and I didn't want to admit it but that gel loving idiot might have a point about the hierarchy one day collapsing in on itself.

 But is there a way to fix it? instilling fear to fix the hierarchy will only last so long, and when you have idiots with egos that reach the sky and no duty to said hierarchy. When I become the King will I be able to do anything about the way the school currently is? 

"There's nothing to miss here."  I grumble looking to the floor.

"What? there's plenty!" He grins wider, 

"The untrimmed bushes! The drug rings! the dorm rooms that catch on fire every week! the property destruction!!!" 

Ah, spoken like a true arsonist

I really wonder how they repair this school so quickly and so often, and how they've dodged lawsuits for so long. A true mystery.

I almost pity headmaster Vaughn

"You just named everything wrong with the school" I scoff, slipping my phone back into my pocket

"I bet you only want the drama that comes with it"

He stops and raises a brow as though he's saying 'duh' in his head

"Well obviously! I'm apart of the school press!" He looks off into the crowd of students, mumbling something incoherent

I slowly lean onto the railing behind us, exhaling

The day is literally perfect.. (minus the smoldering heat) its sunny not a cloud in the sky, the air still slightly damp from the day before and the subtle sound of steps going back and forth throughout the campus linger in the wind, Its a picture perfect day.. and If I'm not careful I might actually doze off standing up.

I hope the rest of the school year stays this peaceful as well

Ah, did I jinx it?

"And yknow.." Isen starts, turning to look at me again again leaves falling around him in a almost picturesque way 

'just like a movie scene' I think to myself, as one leaf lands perfectly on his head top

"If the school has nothing good about it.."

"We might as well make some good memories together while we're here, right?" He scratches his cheek timidly, the sun framing his face "and since you're so damn good at leading im sure you'll be able to unscrew the school somehow" He looks back to the crowd of students

I stop to admire the scene for a second

"Yeah.." my eyes soften involuntarily 


I jump, turning to meet the familiar voice calling us

"Ah. Remi you're here." I answer robotically, feeling more than a sun burn rise onto my cheeks

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