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The most unhinged: um

Switchblade: what did u do now

The most unhinged: I'm in jail rn

BillGates: how do you have ur phone then?

The most unhinged: I snuck it in obviously 🖕

Paranoid: what did you even do-?

Trashmouth: ur mum

Bathtub: 😐

Trashmouth: Is it too late now to say sorry 🙁

Paranoid: 😭

Draco Malfoy rip off: ANYWAY

Goyle rip off: Hockstetter why are you in jail

The only girl: We're not in court no need to use last names 💀

Haystack: yeah, jail and court are two different things

The only sane one: sure

The most unhinged: So basically what happened was I was attacking a tree with a stuck and as I was smacking it, a 3 year old comes up to me and ever since Avery existed(before he died lmao), I hate children. Especially toddlers. So when he came over he was acting smug and shit so I smacked him with the stick and he was crying a lot then his dad came over to me and arrested me because it's illegal to assault a child

The only sane one: oh great heavens

The most unhinged: @Switchblade can u bail me out

Switchblade: how tf am I supposed to do that?!

The most unhinged: I dunno just get me out!!

Draco Malfoy rip off: Me and Belch are laughing so hard rn 💀

Goyle rip off: for once he's telling the truth 😭😭

Haystack: my fear of bullies has grown 😰

Trashmouth: one of them's locked up it should've decreased 🤨

Paranoid: Rich that's not how it works 💀

Trashmouth: oh

Trashmouth: ok Ed's<3

Paranoid: Ik we're dating but that's still not my name 🙁

The most unhinged: We get it, ur dating. No need to spread the word 🙄

Draco Malfoy rip off: ignore him, he's just angry that Bowers won't confess he likes him back 🤷‍♀️

The most unhinged: what 😨

Switchblade: ew 🤢

Goyle rip off: bowers and hockstetter, listen up. I don't care if you beat me up after this but let's go. Bowers you obviously like Patrick and Patrick makes it way to obvious he likes you as well to the point it's painful to watch, like the worst slow burn EVER. And Henry I think it's pretty clear you have internalised homophobia and Patrick has mental issues so he doesn't really give a fuck about ppl being gay or not. Please just confess ur feelings before me and Victor have an aneurysm! Henry Ik you act all tough and shit but get it together ffs you definitely like Hockstetter and Hockstetter 100% likes you back.
Sincerely, Belch

Trashmouth: oh my god

Paranoid: 😨

The only girl: I don't think this is a joke anymore

Haystack: No shit

Bathtub: Processing a lot of shit while reading this

BillGates: second that

The only sane one: oh great heavens

Draco Malfoy rip off: Oh crunkle nugget, Belch ur screwed!

Goyle rip off: worth it

Switchblade: what the fuck.

The most unhinged: 😨

Bathtubs: bros flabbergasted

The most unhinged: so um

Switchblade: @the most unhinged i'll bail u out of jail now just to avoid this conversation

The most unhinged: k

Draco Malfoy rip off: our point

Switchblade: FUCK OFF!

Trashmouth: he well mad 😟

Paranoid: you would be

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