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Haystack: Harry Potter>>>

Draco Malfoy rip off: Draco Malfoy>>>

Goyle rip off: Crabbe and Goyle>>>

The most unhinged: Bellatrix solos

Switchblade: Draco>>

Draco Malfoy rip off: FR

The most unhinged: @Switchblade you only like Draco bc you can relate to him bc of ur daddy issues

Switchblade: Fuck off

Trashmouth: Lovers quarrel

Switchblade: FFS I'M NOT GAY

Paranoid: I beg to differ

Trashmouth: as a gay person, you are gay

The most unhinged: he's bi

Switchblade: PATRICK

The most unhinged: yeah?

Switchblade: ffs

The only girl: fr?

The only sane one: it makes sense

Switchblade: Patrick you just outed me

The most unhinged: oh

The most unhinged: Nvm guys he's not bi or gay he's definitely straight

The only girl: Well ig it makes sense bc of the junkyard incident

The most unhinged: WHAT

Switchblade: THE FUCK

The only girl: I saw you guys 🤷‍♀️


The most unhinged: 💀💀

The only girl: it was kinda weird though😰?

Trashmouth: what happened at the junkyard?

Switchblade: NOTHING

The only girl: I don't wanna get beat up so nothing happened

Paranoid: 🤨

Haystack: that's kinda weird but ok

Trashmouth: guys what's everyone's fear

Paranoid: Diseases obviously

Bathtub: Spiders

BillGates: Cars

Draco Malfoy rip off: Patrick

The most unhinged: wtf

Goyle rip off: Patrick's fridge

The most unhinged: 💀

The only girl: Something everyone goes through at a certain period of life

Haystack: Bullies

Trashmouth: There are 4 bullies in this gc

Haystack: Ik 😰

The only sane one: Fire

Trashmouth: mine used to be u guys finding out I was gay and not accepting me but that's done now so probably the teenage werewolf from the movie we watched at the cinema

Switchblade: my dad. No questions asked

The most unhinged: Flying leeches

Trashmouth: you? Afraid of flying leeches?

The most unhinged: yeah 🤷‍♀️?

Paranoid: understandable but why-?

The most unhinged: just bc

Switchblade: oh yeah I remember you really freaking out when one appeared once, it was hilarious

The most unhinged: Shut up bowers 🖕

Draco Malfoy rip off: it's giving Draco Malfoy

The only girl: fr

The only girl: anyway, when r u guys gonna get together 🤨 getting a bit impatient now ☹️

Switchblade: FML

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