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Draco Malfoy rip off : I'm tired of these names icl

The most unhinged: I'm tired of ppl REVIVING THIS FUCKING GC

Bathtub: cry abt it

The most unhinged: kys

Bathtub: 😊😊😊!!

BillGates: Stan

Bathtub: guys I'm js kidding trust🙏

Paranoid: Stan stop being silly

Bathtub: mb bro

Trashmouth: @Draco Malfoy rip off the only reason ur sick of these names is bc ur's is related to a Harry Potter character


Goyle rip off: shut up u used to love them

Draco Malfoy rip off: until puberty hit 🙏🙏

Switchblade: ok vic ☠️☠️

The only girl: hey does any1 wanna meet at the quarry?

Haystack: yeah! Me, Bev & Mike are all here rn. Anyone wanna join?

Paranoid: my mum probs won't let me out the house srry 😢🙏

The only sane one: ur almost 16 cmon Ed's u can't let her keep u in the house like this

Trashmouth: yeah it's not good for ur Vitamin D to get no sun 🥺🥺😢😢

Paranoid: wait what's gonna happen to my Vitamin D if I get no sun

Switchblade: u die 😊😊😊🙏🙏🙏

Paranoid: WHAT?!

The only sane one: they're js screwing w u eddie. Js ask ur mum, ok?

The only girl: yeah cmon Ed's!

The most unhinged: u guys r silly

Switchblade: shut up u potato

The most unhinged: WHAT

Switchblade: idk I rlly want a potato

BillGates: this gc scares me

Bathtub: real

The most unhinged: then let it stay dead trust🙏‼️

The only sane one: ok anyway - meet u guys at the quarry at 1:30?

Bathtub: yeah sure 😋

BillGates: yep!

Trashmouth: yes I gotta save Eddie's vitamin d 🙏

Paranoid: KYS

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