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Paranoid: I'm soooo high rn

Trashmouth: EDDIE❓🤯

Draco Malfoy Rip Off: My bad

Trashmouth: what did u do

Draco Malfoy Rip Off: 😣

Trashmouth: Victor?

Draco Malfoy Rip Off: I might've given him some weed

Trashmouth: 😃

The only girl: Richie looks like he's about to commit a murder

The most unhinged: where?

The only girl: huh? Wdym?

The most unhinged: where is the person that asked

The only girl: kys

The most unhinged: ok Beverly Sheeran ☠️🙏

Haystack: die

Switchblade: no u

Haystack: wow harsh 😞

Bathtub: so we're going to ignore the fact Eddie actually even accepted to smoking weed?

Paranoid: shut up I have lots of trauma I deserve this

BillGates: Fair

Goyle Rip Off: my dads dead & u don't see me smoking weed

Paranoid: boy su my dads dead too ☠️🙏 u ain't special, now come smoke w me 😋

The only sane one: wtf is wrong w Eddie

Bathtub: he's high and weird

Switchblade: so basically Patrick in a nutshell?

The most unhinged: I hope you die

Switchblade: ilyt

BillGates: I can't be what u need 🕺💃

Bathtub: ur all I need

Switchblade: get a room 🤮🖕

The only girl: Ik you out of all ppl did not just say that 🤯‼️

Switchblade: WHAT DO U MEAN ☠️❓

Haystack: don't be silly Bowers u and Patrick flirt more than any of us do😭🙏

Goyle rip off: nah u wild for that one Ben

Draco Malfoy Rip Off: I hear knocking on my door

Trashmouth: open up

Draco Malfoy Rip Off: NO KYS I HOPE U DIE

The only sane one: nice knowing u vic

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