734 21 42

Trashmouth: it's been a year daddy

Bathtub: not this again

BillGates: ffs

Trashmouth: I rlly rlly miss you 😢

Haystack: kys

Paranoid: BEN 💀

The only girl: so aggressive and for what

Haystack: it's the 6th time he's done it today

Goyle rip off: guys

The only girl: yeah?

Goyle rip off: Vic might be responding slowly bc SOME PEOPLE stabbed him in the elbow + kneecap

The most unhinged: it was an accident

Switchblade: it was really

Goyle rip off: sure

The only sane one: Oh dear god 😰

Paranoid: nah y'all need to sort this out 💀

Haystack: quit talking like a farm boy bozo


Paranoid: what 😭

BillGates: We love Brian Johnson in this house

Paranoid: YES

Bathtub: Andrew Clark is a bozo

The only girl: the real bozo

Switchblade: John Bender tbh 🤭

Trashmouth: I see you have a type

Draco Malfoy rip off: So that's what I'm doing wrong

The most unhinged: DO YOU WANT A BROKEN NECK?!

Draco Malfoy rip off: JK JK

The only sane one: is this my fault

Paranoid: yes

Haystack: yes it is you fucking numpty

Trashmouth: WOAH BEN?

Bathtub: I sense something is wrong

Goyle rip off: Ben you've been hanging out with Victor to much

The most unhinged: Proof Victor is the problem in all cases

Draco Malfoy rip off: shut up you fucking numpty

The only girl: Vic can I have my bf back

BillGates: Benverly confirmed?!

Haystack: it's been confirmed for ages to stutter freak

BillGates: oh!

Bathtub: Ben


Paranoid: I think I've seen this film before

Draco Malfoy rip off: and I didn't like the ending

The only sane one: NOAH SCHNAPP IS GAY

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