Chapter I

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I walked through a door I hadn't walked through in around a year, only coming home for Christmas last year. I never leave the house when I am home so I'm not surprised that the neighbours were giving me weird looks when I got out of the car, no one has ever seen me before. I looked completely different before I went to boarding school.

I'm not going to lie, the thought of going to a completely different school tomorrow terrifies me. I'm introverted AND I've not talked to anyone new in SO long. Half of me hopes that people are going to be nice to me but the other half is yelling at that half for being so naïve. I know Finney gets bullied so the higher probability is that I'm going to get bullied. That's one thing about the boarding school I liked, it was so strict that if anyone even tried to bully someone else, they'd get found out. Though, it was kind of like a prison.

At home, I get my old bedroom back although, it's been redecorated since last Christmas since I'm going to be in it long term. I'm surprised that dad even redecorated since I know he's steaming with anger that I got kicked out. Maybe he was feeling nice?

I was greeted with a massive hug by Finn and Gwen, Gwen a few inches smaller than me and Finn taller than me. He'd definitely grown over the time I've been gone, (Finney now standing at 5'8 and me standing at 5'6).
Behind him stood an equally tall Mexican boy with long, curly hair, just a bit longer than mine, and a bandanna on top of it. "Who's this?" I questioned at the unfamiliar presence.
"Ah, you guys haven't met have you? Y/n, this is Robin Arellano. Robin, y/n," Finn explains as I shoot a smile at the new boy. "Wow, Finn. You made a friend? That's new," I teased my brother. "Hey! At least I have a friend! You're a loner," he defended himself whilst teasing me back.

I can't lie, the Robin boy is really cute but, I don't feel like making moves on my brother's best friend. Not like I'd be able to flirt with anyone anyway, my social anxiety is way too bad for that.

I unpack my bags as I hear Finn and his friend laughing in the room next to mine. Gwenny looked at me, "Robin is a bit... aggressive but, I don't think that's an issue seeing what you got kicked out for... He's secretly a bit of a softy so be nice," Gwenny giggles. "Hey! I'm not that aggressive!" I smack her shoulder gently,
"That's not what the girl's family said..." Gwen replied.
"Okay, I think I've had enough of talking about that." I finish the conversation as we walk out to Robin and Finn.

482 words
Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to introduce the main characters. New chapter coming later or tomorrow

-Eden :)

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