Part VII

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It was a month after the drinking incident and Robin hadn't mentioned anything about that night. I knew that he had some memories of the night because I found 20$ on my bedside table the next morning with a note next to it saying 'groceries'.


I walked home from school, buying groceries on the way home. Dad still hadn't come home so Robin's mom kept on giving us money for food, no matter how much I said she didn't have to. Obviously, I was grateful since I didn't have to do anything weird to get the money, which was always a pro.
I walked into the house to be greeted by Robin and Finn on the couch laughing about God knows what. They both turn to me and ask if I want to watch a movie with them, to which I answered "yes" and took a seat in the gap between the two boys. Turns out it was a comedy and that's what they were laughing at. Suddenly, I remember that I actually have frozen stuff in the grocery bag so I jump up and mention to the boys what I was doing. They both gave me  a nod before going back to the movie.

I was almost done putting groceries away when I heard footsteps behind me. Looking around, I saw Robin. I flash a small smile and say, "Yo, wassup?"
"I just came to... tell you something."
"Go on..."
"Well... remember the night we got drunk?"
"Yeah.. what about it?" I started to get nervous at the reminder of the night.
"Uh.. well I thought you should know that I remember it."
"What... do you mean?"
"You know what I mean, y/n."
And, of course I knew. It had been the only thing playing on my mind for the past month. My heart started speeding as if it was trying to win a race. "Shit." I say, knowing that he remembered this entire time wasn't really a comforting thought. "Hey. No need to be embarrassed. You don't regret it, do you?" He quizzed me, smirking at my massive blush. I didn't know what answer he wanted so, I simply replied with the truth, "No. No I don't." I look to the ground.
Taking a step closer to me, he says "Good."

He leans down to me, coming to my level and inching closer to my face. I could feel his shaky breath on my face. He takes my hips in his hands and walks me backwards, into a wall. "Now, thing is, I don't think I can give my best performance when I'm under the influence. So, if you want, we can do it again and, I'll show you what a real kiss is. What do you think?"
All I could do was nod. He started to lean in but, he stopped for a second and leaned his forehead against mine. I felt his grip on my hips tighten.
"Fuck you, you make me so nervous. I never get nervous." He states lowly, chuckling a little, probably out of nerves.

Finally, he closes the gap, letting our lips touch as they were destined to do. I'd always thought that he hadn't been with many girls but from the way he's kissing, I was rethinking my assumption. Basically, he was a very good kisser. We pulled away for air, "Holy shit, Robin." I mumble.

"Yeah. Holy shit, Robin." We hear from behind Robin. Surprised, the both jolt around to see Finn standing at the doorway. "I mean I suspected something but, goddamn" he continued. Robin opened his mouth, probably to apologise or make up some excuse but, he was cut off by once again, Finn. "Aye, I mean don't let me interrupt. I don't care what you two do" before walking out. "Well... that was weird." I say.
"Yep..." he replies.
"Well, he said don't let him interrupt..." I say, putting my hand in his hair on the back of his head and pushing him gently down, making our lips touch once again. I don't know where I got this confidence from because I was usually a nervous wreck but, I think I like it.
We kissed passionately as my hand remained in his hair. I think he noticed that I was getting flustered as he pulled away and said, "I think we should head back before I get too carried away" and winked at me. I just replied "Okay..." and followed him back to the sofa and continuing to watch the movie.

755 words
Um. I tried to not add in any sexual content into the making out so lemme know if I need to change anything. I thought y'all deserved a saucy type chapter since you got me to 1.2k reads!! WTF. Thank you!!

-Eden :)

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