Chapter IV

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It was the morning after the movie and I woke up late. Gwen and Finn left the house before me because they didn't want to be late. So, I was all alone. I got ready as usual and left the house only to see a circle of people surrounding what seemed to be a fight. I was bored and already late so I thought I'd check it out. I push through the crowd a bit because they're all tall boys and I couldn't see over them. I am greeted to Robin sitting on top of someone, who I recognised as a boy nicknamed 'Moose', and Robin was punching him. I started seeing blood and I was confused whether it was Moose or Robin's hand. Turns out it was both.


After the fight is over, Robin gets up and spots me. He looks shocked for a moment and then smiles at me, "Oh hey y/n!" he beamed, "You say that so casually, Robin. Like you weren't just beating the shit out of someone." I respond, laughing a bit at the end, to which he replies, "Well, I used to get into fights a lot so I'm used to it, this dick has had this coming for a while. This exact fight happened a few years back, this exact place but, I guess he didn't learn." He states. "Fair enough. Come on, I'll get you to first-aid, you're bleeding," I say to him, grabbing ahold of his wrist and starting to drag him off when he jerks back and says, "No! I can't go to first-aid. If the school finds out I got into another fight..." he says and then makes a worried face. I didn't question any further. "Come on then, I'll clean you up myself." I say before once again, dragging him but this time but, to the unisex toilets this time.


We had gotten to the toilets and now I was holding his hand under the tap to get the blood and dirt concoction that was on his knuckles off. I see how deep the cuts are on his knuckles and question, "Holy hell, how hard did you punch him?" to which he replies, "He has sharp teeth," shrugging as he said it.

"You know you shouldn't get into fights, wounding your knuckles this bad often isn't good for them, it could get infected." I recommend, not expecting him to take the advice but giving my opinion anyway. "Yes ma'am," he replies. "I'm not joking, Robin."
"Neither am I, ma'am."
"Sorry," he laughs. I just roll my eyes and turn the tap off.

"You need to cover these with something, do you have anything?" I ask him, "Oh yeah totally," he says while pulling out a roll of tape. "Uh, what the fuck is that?"
"You are not putting that on a fresh wound, idiot." I say while pulling a roll of bandage out of my bag. "Dumbass..." I mumble before grabbing his hand and wrapping up his knuckles. "Why do you just have bandages in your bag?" Robin queries, "In case I get into a fight but, you actually got into a fight sooo..." I answer. "Fights? You? Please! I haven't known you for that long but I can tell you're not a fighter," he mocks. "Did Finney not tell you why I got kicked out of my old school?"
"No..." Robin asks, suspiciously,
"Well, it's because I got into so many fights and, my last fight, I hospitalised a girl." I say while kind of cringing. "Holy shit y/n! No way!" he exclaims, smiling childishly, like he'd just found out my deepest, darkest secret. "Yes, way. I don't regret it either, she was a proper bitch." I say, shocking Robin.

"Well, y/n. You might be more interesting than I thought."

640 words
Two chapters in one day, who? A bit of backstory for you here :)


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