Chapter II

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"Ah! Everyone, this is Y/n, she's come from a very prestigious school, I expect a lot from you y/n," The teacher rambled as I entered my first class. Great, another school with high expectations, when will I catch a break? "Actually I have to speak to you about something after class but for now, take a seat next to your brother, behind Robin," he continues as I walk to my seat, smiling at Finn when I sat down. Robin turns around and quickly shoots me a "Hi," before turning back around.

At the end of class, I went to the teacher and asked what he wanted to speak to me about. Long story short, he wants me to tutor Robin because I'm smart and he's not. Apparently, Finney used to tutor him but, he's gotten busier with baseball practise and it was just becoming impractical. It sounds boring but it gets me extra credit so, why not? Robin seems nice enough anyway.

The rest of the day continued as normal until I noticed Finney run into the boys bathroom and 3 other boys followed him in. Now, I know it's weird because I'm not a boy but, it looked like he was in danger so, I followed them in.

"Ew, what are you doing in here? Being pervy?" I heard one of the boys say mockingly. "No, dipshits. I saw you chase my brother into the toilet so I'm here to beat the shit o-" I start only to be interrupted by Finney, "That's really not necessary, y/n.. don't worry about it." I hear him ramble and it only makes me more angry. "Okay then, but." I say sternly, "You fuck with Finney, you fuck with me. And trust me, you don't want to fuck with me." The boys started to look a bit nervous and just stared at me. I like scaring people like this, it's funny to see 3 tall boys' reaction to one girl when she stands up for herself and others, it's satisfying. "You can go now!" I raise my voice at them, them leaving directly afterwards, "Cock suckers... You have to stand up for yourself Finn." I tell him, "I know I just... freeze up when they do shit like that, I suddenly forget how to fight!" he mumbles, annoyed. Then, I notice that someone had walked in, it was Robin. I couldn't tell if he looked amused or surprised or, both. He seemed to see that I'd seen him because he smiles at me, "You managed to get all three of them to back off all by yourself, on your first day! Impressive. You're definitely gonna make an impression on the school if you can do that!" He states as I smile back at the praise, "Thanks." I reply.

Today was our first tutor session and I was tutoring him on maths. Exciting. I pulled out a work book that I'd been given by the teacher and asked him some basic questions just to see what he already knew and, he knew nothing. This was going to be a long process.

After an half hour of hell, he finally figured out how to expand a simple bracketed equation. I didn't think it'd be this hard to do 3(6+4x) but somehow he makes it more complicated than it is, I think he overthinks it. The answer is 18+12x if you were wondering.

Robin was funny, yes but, god was this boy dense. It didn't help that he wasn't paying attention what-so-ever. I decided it'd probably be best if we took a break so I thought that we'd go talk to Finney and Gwen because there wasn't much else to do. When we got to the living room, there was just a note saying,

Dad's taking us shopping, we had to take the key. Soooo you're kinda locked in. Sorry :(
-Finn + Gwen

"Great... um, what do you want to do then?" I asked Robin, to which he replied, "Texas chainsaw massacre!" Although, it was less of a reply and more of a yell. "I watch it whenever I have nothing to do, it's my favourite pass time," he continued. "So how many times have you watched this movie?" I ask, "Probably over a hundred times," he says back, "That's a bit sad, I can't lie to you Robin... we can watch it but wow." I put emphasis on the wow. He was kind of glaring at me when I said that but when he said we can watch it, his eyes almost lit up. It was kind of adorable, I can't lie.

I picked up the movie's CD and put in in the TV, the movie's beginning started as I sat down next to Robin, glancing at his joyful face momentarily, giggling to myself at his childish happiness to such a gruesome movie.

There was half of the movie left an honestly, I can see how Robin likes it. It's actually okay but I didn't find it scary because it just gets it's scare-factor from gore and gore doesn't really phase me.

I can feel my eyes getting slightly heavy and eventually I feel my head drop.

I wake up to giggling and a weight on my head. My head pulls up and as I rub my eyes I can hear someone say, "Ow, you didn't have to get up that quick, bro," that person turns out to be Robin. I look in front of us to see Finn and Gwen staring at us.

"What is it? I'm confused, what happened?" I question, not aiming it at someone specific, to which I get a reply from Gwennie,
"Silly, you fell asleep on Robin's shoulder and he fell asleep on you! Wow it's like a romcom!" she teased. "Oh be quiet, Gwennie." I mumble as I stand up, going over to the table that me and Robin were working on and packing all the stuff back into my school bag. "Oh thank god I don't have to do more!" I hear Robin exclaim, "You barely learned anything, Robin. It's gonna be harder tomorrow." I retaliated. I hear Robin grumble as him and Finn head off to his room to do whatever boys do. Me and Gwen start working on dinner since dad isn't home and only me and Gwen know how to cook.

1065 words
Hope this was a good chapter!
-Eden :)

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