Chapter X

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I have had enough. This is why I'm writing this, just incase none of my plans work, I've been writing this, in hopes that someone will find it. Like an Anne Frank situation or something. Just something to tell people who I am and how I got here. I mean who am I kidding, I'm not that interesting for this to be published but maybe someone will like my little life of misery. But, I've had enough. Enough of waking up to Finney's sobs. Enough of feeling Robin's shaky arms wrap around me at night. It's time to take action.

I'll have to talk to the others about a plan but we need to do something. They've escaped once, they can escape again.

The other two are still asleep, they don't know I'm writing this because I don't want them to think I'm weird about writing about this. I feel that maybe it's a way for me to escape since I don't talk about it verbally. If everything goes to plan, I might not publish this. I mean, I don't think it's very interesting but, we'll see. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I'm just not quite sure what to say. Now I'm not recounting, I'm at a loss for words really. Though, there is something I'd like to say about The Grabber. So,

Dear, Dickhead.
I fucking hate you. You have ruined our lives and crushed all spirit in the two boys I love very dearly. So, fuck you. I hope you die and rot in hell.

Sincerely, Your End.

That's all. I'll write the next time something happens. Though, I'm not sure how soon that'll be.

276 words
Hey guys, hope that you liked this little plot twist. I think chapters from here might be a little shorter but will most likely be more frequent. I'm not sure how many more chapters I'm going to so since I'm running out of inspiration. I've got an idea for my next book and I want your guys' opinions on it. Basically, it would be like a yandere Tate Langdon (from American Horror Story season 1) if you guys would like that? Honestly, I might do it either way. It's what's inspiring me right now because I love Tate. Let me know what you guys think of that and the little twist. One last thing, would you guys want a happy ending or an angsty ending. My personal style is an angsty ending but if you guys would hate that and hate me for that, I won't do it. Please actually leave feedback here as I love your guys' opinion.

-Eden :)

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