Chapter XII

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(I'm giving a small warning to this one - adult to child violence)

We have officially hit the one and a half week without food and I had had enough of this mistreatment. We'd started sleeping or longer or not sleeping at all, passing out, vomiting, etc. I was going upstairs and getting food, whether I die or not.
Dying would stop this misery but, I'm not alone here so, I can't leave them alone. I've got to be sneaky just in case he is home. I'll be back after I've gotten the food - both boys are asleep still so I can surprise them when they wake up.


Well shit. That didn't go as planned.

I got upstairs, no trouble. He wasn't waiting there like I thought that he'd be so that was great. I rifled through the cupboards and stuffed my pockets with all sorts of snacks. Once they were full, I shoved a few down my top and turned to go back downstairs. Here's when shit hit the fan. A pit-bull dog came in and started barking extremely loudly. I tried to shush the dog and just run downstairs to try and avoid conflict but as soon as I turned around I heard a deep voice ask, "What do you think you're doing?"

I felt myself heat up in panic, slowly spinning to face him. The Grabber. I really fucked up this time. "Go to the table" he said. I did what he said, knowing I'd be punished either way so, I'd try to make it easier for myself. He paced, mumbling to himself then, walking speedily up to me and spinning me around to I was facing the table. In a flash, I felt my head be pushed harshly onto the table, me now being bent over the table. I heard a rattle and metal clunking together before feeling a harsh strike to my ass. I cry out in pain as I feel this action repeated. "If you keep crying, I'll make this worse."

After around 8 more strikes, he grabs me by my hair and pulls me upwards so I was standing up. He continues pulling me by my hair and pulls me down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, he slams open the door and throws me onto the mattress. The two boys are awake now, I assume that it was from my screaming. "Keep an eye on your bitch." he says before slamming the door and going back upstairs. I sit up and start balling my eyes out, finally showing vulnerability. I immediately fell 2 pairs of arms around me, Robin's hand stroking my face and Finney's playing gently with my hair. I hear them both whisper comforting words. I calm down eventually and smile weakly at them. I suddenly remember something. He didn't take the food off of me. "Well, at least he didn't take the food." I state while taking snack bars, potato chips and other small foods out of my pocket and top and place them on the mattress. I feel the room lighten a little as they both praise me, they thank me and start digging into the food. I may of gotten beat and had flashbacks to my dad but I least I got food, right?

546 words
Bittersweet. Hope you enjoyed, might be another angsty chapter next. I was planning on only doing maybe 3 more chapters but, if you guys want more then leave me ideas or things you'd like to see.


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