Chapter III

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Gwennie and I had finished dinner and set it on the table and I knocked on Finney's door, to which I hear, "Come in!" from Finney. I walk in and the boys were playing on Finn's crappy little games console. "Dinner's ready, shit-heads," I say, making the boys pause their game and jump up, both shouting "Thanks!".

At the dinner table, everyone was stuffing their face with what we made. We only made mac and cheese with garlic bread but apparently it was really good. "Is it good?" I ask the boys, "YES!" the boys yell. I smile at their enthusiasm. They're sweet. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I had a soft spot for my family and friends. Well... friend. Kind of friend? I'm not sure yet.

After dinner, the boys cleaned up the dishes and kitchen. I thought they were just going to go back to their room but instead they invited me to go to a movie theatre. Gwen decided that she was going to her friend's house to have a sleepover, which everyone was fine with.


We headed to the movie and, when we got there, I took a seat in between the boys because I didn't want to sit next to a stranger, I don't like people I don't know. I didn't even know what movie it was since I didn't think to ask so, when the movie started with a gruesome murder scene, I was a bit shocked to say the least. Now, I don't get scared easily but, there's just something uneasy about jump-scare and shock-based horrors that just scares me every time and I don't really know why. Well, I guess that's what they're meant to do. It's strange that these affect me and gores don't though. Seeing me flinch, Robin holds in a laugh, making a snort noise. "We didn't tell you it was a horror did we? Are you scared of them?" he mocks, "No. I'm not scared! Why would I be scared? I'm 15, not 7." I say, completely lying through my teeth. I think he noticed I was lying because he just laughed and said "Whatever you say..."


It was half way through the movie and I was absolutely terrified, though I wouldn't show it. Unbeknownst to me, there was an extreme jump-scare coming up. Let's just say that I wasn't prepared and basically jumped out of my skin. Both Robin and Finney burst out laughing as I sunk in my seat, crossed my arms and, sulked. This caused the boys to erupt in more laughter, everyone else around them shushing the two. "Shut up!" I mumble, fuelling their laughter. They eventually calmed down after someone threatened to kick them out of the movie if they kept being loud. Mood-killers, honestly but, I guess I understand.


Everything kept going the same until something happened, something subtle but it made my stomach flutter.

I was just watching the movie when I saw Robin looking at me. I turned my head to face his and we were quite close. He smiled at me and turned his head back to the movie. His smile was beautiful. EW. No. He's my brother's best friend, I don't like him like that. That being said, I was thankful for the dark lights, otherwise he'd be able to see my cheeks flush pink.

Just as I thought that, he leaned up to my ear and whispered, "I can see you blushing, you know," and laughed in my ear. "No, you can't." I replied simply and he just smirked and turned away.

604 words
Sorry that all these chapters are kind of short but I prefer giving quality over quantity <3


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