Chapter V

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After school, Finn, Robin and I hung out at the local park. Gwen was with a different friend today, I didn't know she was so popular! Anyway, the park was perfect because everything was in threes for some reason.

We raced each other to the swings, Finney won, Robin coming next and me last. "Holy shit," I say, panting, "I didn't know I was so unfit!" "And I, didn't know you were such a slut!"I hear a voice from behind me. I turned around to see the three boys I thought that I'd scared off yesterday - apparently not. "Excuse me?" I question, "How am I a slut?" The boys look at me mockingly and their leader speaks, "You're hanging out with two boys and no girls... What, do you give them blowies too?"

I pulled a horrified face, "Okay! First, that's gross. Second, Finn is my twin brother and I met Robin two days ago, I'm not that desperate. Third, I thought I told you to stop fucking with us, do I have to make myself clearer? Are you guys too dumb to understand a simple statement?" I rant, raising my voice in the process. The boys once again look shocked. I'm not sure why since I spoke up to them yesterday so, why wouldn't I do the same today? "You think you can speak up to me, little girl? I bet you that you're ten times weaker than I am, bitch. Don't try to talk back." he says, walking closer to me. This was a challenge. Finney looked terrified for me as he yelped, "Hey, I don't think this is a good idea!" Despite his attempts at standing up for himself (finally), he got punched in the face and thrown to the ground. This was my last straw, no-one hurts my family.

I walked towards him and punch him with all my strength. While he was unbalanced, I head-locked him, punched him a few times and threw him to the ground. This was all so quick that he didn't have time to react. He has a look of fear on his face as I straddle him, punching him once again, repeatedly. Meanwhile, Finn is rambling, trying to get us to both stop fighting. Contrasting, Robin was cheering me on. I look at him and laugh, finally stopping punching when I think he'd been beaten enough. I laughed at Robin, "You'd be a good cheerleader, Robin." I continued giggling as he pulled a fake offended face before smiling and saying, "I know right!" I turn to where the leader's sidekicks were, only to not find them. Finney noticed my confusion and mentioned that they ran away as soon as I had floored the dude. How pathetic.

We decided to just head back to our house to get me cleaned up and relax at home. Robin was sleeping over on the couch tonight so we set up the blankets and stuff for him to sleep on.


I woke up in the middle of the night to hear a small whimper coming from another room. Confused, I leave the room and walk past a peacefully sleeping Robin to get to Finney's bedroom door, from which the whimpering was from. I knock on the door and whisper "Finney, are you good?" I get no reply. I decided I should just walk in to check on him.

"Finn, what's up bro?" I once again whisper since it's 2am, I see Finney curled up in his bed. Rushing to his side, I soothingly rub his back and cuddle him in the other arm. "What happened, Finn?"
"He was in my dream again, the dream was that I didn't really kill him and he came back for me... What if it's real, Y/n? What if he gets me again? Or Robin?"
"Oh Finn, he is well and truly dead. You shouldn't worry about him not being dead, honey. They checked his pulse when they found him and again 30 minutes later, didn't they? There is no coming back from that. They also cremated his body and, I'm not being funny Finn, I don't think anyone or anything can come back from that!" I assure him, he lets out a giggle at that last bit. I decided to make sure Finney got back to sleep before I left him so, I mumbled, "Lay down," before grabbing his sides and throwing him down- which made him giggle.

He laid down; I rubbed his back with one had and stroked his hair with the other. "You're okay Finney, you're safe. You can go to sleep now."
"Thank you Y/n.." he mumbled, just before falling asleep.

I stand up carefully to make sure I don't wake him up and leave the room, once again hearing soft snores from Robin. I glance over at the boy, chuckling when I see his mouth wide open and his limbs sprawled out over the couch, putting him in a starfish position.

I got thirsty while speaking to Finn so I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When I go to get a glass, I look for my cup- my cup is a normal cup that I have an emotional connection to so I only use that one, it's weird but I just love the cup- only to see that it was on the top shelf. "Oh for God's sake.." I mumble. I crawl up on the counter and try to reach it from there. "I hate whoever did the dishes, holy fuck!"
"So you hate me?" I hear a smug voice coming from behind. I turn round to see a tired looking Robin, "Did I wake you up?" I question.
"I'm a light sleeper, don't worry about it," he replies as he leans up and grabs the cup I wanted, "This your cup?"
"Yes oh my God, thank you!!" I whisper-shout.

I shuffle myself on to the edge of the counter, leaving my body on the counter but my legs to dangle off. I put my arms out, indicating for him to give me a hug. "It's not that big of deal I just got your cup-"
"Shut up, Robin. Get your ass over here."

He comes over to me and stands in between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist while I wrap mine around his neck and pull him in for a hug.

A few moments later, he pulls away and places his hands on my thighs so he stays close to y/n without making her feel closed in by putting his hands either side of her. He starts to say, "So... I was thinking-" only to be interrupted by y/n, "That makes a change!" which makes Robin take a hand off her thigh and playfully smack her arm and say, "Hey!! I do think sometimes!!"
"Yeah... Keyword being sometimes."
"Ugh anyway, what I was saying was, would you like to hang out some time? Like, just you and me?" He says, starting to get flustered.
I feel my cheeks get hot, like that day in the movie theatre. "You're blushing again," Robin mentions, I reply,
"No shit."

There's a pause while I think. Is he asking me on a date? Or, does he just want to get closer as friends? Either way, I reply, "Sure!" He smiles at my answer.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go back to bed now," he speaks, "Okay, goodni-" I'm cut off by him grabbing my chin and pulling me down then, kissing awfully close to my lips but, still on my cheek. I was left with my jaw-dropped as he smiles happily, "Goodnight Y/n!!" he whispers playfully before walking back to his make-shift bed.

This boy is going to be the death of me.

1389 words
Hey! Holy shit, thank you for 400 reads, that's insane. Longer chapter for you guys because I haven't posted in a few days! Hope you enjoyed and feel red to give me feedback on where you want the story to go.

-Eden :)

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