Chapter VIII

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That kiss was the only thing I could think of for the next month or so. For that month, we'd been getting closer, doing things like: cuddling and the occasional kiss. Even after all this affection, I'd never gotten used to it. Every touch of his drew me in more, gave me more and more butterflies. His touch and care was an addiction and I, was intoxicated. You could never get used to someone like Robin's affection because, you wouldn't think he'd be affectionate so, it comes out of the blue. Though, he wasn't much into PDA, no one knew we had gotten closer and honestly, I don't mind too much. It's not like any girls had the balls to speak to Robin anyway so there wasn't much need to claim territory - it meant that we wouldn't always have people asking if we're dating or anything so neither of us minded if people knew or not. I like it being like our little secret, it feels more personal.

All was great right now and really, it worried me. If I had learnt anything from life, it was to never trust the good because, nothing is good forever so, always expect the worst in the best. Maybe it wasn't the best mindset but, it was one of the ways that I had previously protected myself from disappointment and failure because, bad is bound to happen. Forever and always. 


Me, Finn, Robin and Gwen were having a joint sleepover in the living room. We had all just fallen asleep when I woke up to hearing grunting and shuffling. I heard someone mumble "Fuck, you're heavier than you were last time" but the thing that got me was the fact that it was an unfamiliar voice, a voice much deeper than the two teens'. I shot up, attracting the attention of the other person. In a tired haze, I looked over to the person and it was a tall male with a mask on. He was holding Finney bridal style meanwhile, Robin was nowhere to be seen. The front door was open and it finally hit me with what was going on, we were being kidnapped. I jumped up and tried to grab Finn out of the man's hands but the man was too strong and tugged my unconscious twin away then, hitting me over the head with an unidentified object. I fell over as my vision turned black and my consciousness left my body.


I woke up to the sound of sobbing and another person shushing them in a comforting way. "What, the fuck... what happened?" I questioned out loud, aiming for no one in particular. I heard someone stand up and rush over to me, taking my face in their hands. It was Robin. Sitting up, I glance around the room, not recognising the jail-like setting. "Where the hell are we?" I ask Robin, to which he faults but answers, "This is the same place that The Grabber brought us to a year ago but, he's dead so, I have no idea." On queue, the previously locked door swings open to a man with a mask. Both Finney and Robin's faces show the same look of horror and confusion. The man was the one who was holding Finn earlier on, the same one who hit me with such force that I passed out. He giggles creepily and says, "I know, I know. You both thought I was dead. Well, I'm not. I escaped before the police got into the room and they just told the public that I was dead to stop an outbreak of fear. They tried to detain me but because you said I was dead, they were unarmed and I got away. Oopsie. Anyway, it was really risky for me to come get you guys again, I had to wait a whole year! Really, you guys should apologise but given the circumstances, I'll let you off. I'm back regardless! Did you miss me?" 

654 words

Short chapter because I feel like it's a lot to take in. I'm inspired again and off school for a week so hopefully, I'll get a longer chapter out soon. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to leave feedback.

-Love you, Eden :)

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