movie night

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"Maya, you can't expect me to trust you straight away, trust is earned," I say grabbing my keys to go home for the night she wants me to stay but it's like a whole new relationship again so I want to take it slow.
"Just stay please," she asks.
"I can't I have work in the morning," I say, and yes I know it is the lamest excuse but I do have work at 4am the next morning.
"Really, or do you just want to leave," she says taking her jacket off.
"No, I want maya, I just can't not tonight ok, I'll see you tomorrow," I say kissing her goodbye.

Getting home was difficult traffic was ridiculous and I'm just exhausted now.
"Hey, wanna watch a movie with us," Jo asks.
"No, I'm going to go to bed and sleep for a week, " I mumble walking up the stairs. Why are relationships so hard.


Work, something I love yet hate at the same time. I haven't seen maya for like a week, we have both been so busy well thats what I keep telling myself, I have had 3 days off but I have told her I'm to busy, her cheating really dented the relationship between us. I still feel like I can't fully trust her.
"Hey lils," jo says.
"Hey, I don't tell Alex I let you call me that, when he last called me that I punched him so be honoured," I chuckle
"Me, you and Alex are having a movie night, invite maya to join us," she says linking her arm through mine walking us toward the cafeteria.
  " yeh why not, my phone dead though can I use yours," I question as she hands me her phone, I see my contact name and its down as small one I'm not even small, 5'9 is not small I I literally taller than her.
"Small one really," I mumble making her laugh.
"Yep," she say sitting down at a table.
" thanks," I mutter giving her phone back.
"Looks like she's coming," Jo says making me laugh.
" and that is what she said, sorry I have the humour of a child," I say taking a bite of the nasty food.


Movie night yay, all week trying not to see her and some how I got dragged into mivie night. As I open the door mayas stood there look frozen her clothes are soaked through she is shivering and her lips are blue. I pull her inside wrapping her in my arm to try to warm her up, did she run here god I would have picked her up if she would have called me.
" come on," I say leading her to my room to find her some of my clothes. I grab some flannle pyjamas pants and hand them to her before grabbing a baggy t-shirt and one of my hoodies.
As she changes I go downstairs to make her a drink and get the movie snaks ready Alex and Jo said they would be back after they had dinner, so they won't be back for another 20 minutes.
"You still look cold," I mumble as I wrap my arms around her waist, she rest her head on my chest as we stand there in the kitchen listening to the rain fall outside. Her hair is still wet and she is still shivering. We go back up stairs and I plug the hair dryer In I see that the shivering is slowing down as the warm air hits her head.

Alex and Jo come through the door a half hour later, they get changed and set the film up, maya and I have one sofa, they have the other. The film starts I'm not really paying attention just looking at maya as she watching the film with her concentration face on. I want this moment to last, no I dont want it to last, I need it to last.
I turn my head to watch the film and I feel maya turn her head into my chest and her breathing begins to change slowing down as she falls asleep.
"Lils," Jo says, I shake my head as I knows not to call me that," sorry lily, what film do u want to watch next," she asks.
"Don't mind whatever you two want," I say wrapping my arm around maya tightly after pulling a blanket over us, I don't need it but I don't want her getting cold, I can't mess this relationship up, that is one thing I hope never to do, and a thing I hope she never does.

A/N I'm sorry that the uploads haven't been very frequent I have been busy with revision and stuff, plus I had some major writers block.

Hope you enjoy.

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