- Chapter 2 -

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We have been on this beach for hours now. We open the suitcases scattered around the island trying to find something useful, clothes, food, medicine... and I decide to go back into the wreckage of the plane. As I'm about to enter, Hande comes up to me.

"You don't have to do that," she says with a serious look.

"Hande, there might be things we can use there."

"You don't think they're going to come for us, do you?"

How did she know I had doubts?

"Regardless of what I think, there are people who are wounded and we may find something here that can help us," I answer sharply.

"Kerem, there are dead bodies in there," she says seriously.

"And what do you want me to do? Resuscitate them so it's easier to go in?"

My answer sounds very rude, I'm tense, very tense. This situation overwhelms me and is pushing me to my limit, and not only me, we are all a bit sensitive. Hande gives me a disgruntled look and retraces her steps. I was going to apologize, but I decide to put an end to that conversation as soon as possible.

As I walk in, I start to regret it. By pure instinct, I put my hands on the necks of those people, trying to find a breath of life that no longer exists in any of them.

Once again those damned tears don't allow me to see. The tissue with which I had covered my nose and my mouth slips down my neck and I can inhale the smell of blood and death. A retch comes over me, but I can control it. I start throwing suitcases outside, where I detect several people staring at me without speaking. I grab the first aid kit from the bathroom door. Everything I think we can use I throw it at the exit so I don't have to go back in there.

Once I finish my task, I leave without raising my head. Anger makes me punch the plane and curse out loud. I head towards the shore to breathe some fresh air, under the watchful eyes of those present, who continue without saying anything. I am aware that all eyes are on me. I have hurt my hand, but what hurts me most is to have seen all that.

"You didn't have to do it by yourself," says Hande in a sweet but worried voice at the same time.

"I'm sorry for answering back to you like that earlier... I didn't want to tell anyone to do what I did," I answer sincerely.

"Don't apologize, come to the shade and rest a little bit".

"No, we have to organize the luggage," she puts her hand on my arm, preventing me from getting up.

"Kerem, you're coming with me whether you want to or not," I look at her and she looks at me seriously. She's right, I know, but I don't want the night to fall and people to stay in this conditions. And like she could read my eyes she says "Alright, but I'll help you, you don't have to do it all alone".

We get ready to sort all those suitcases with the help of some of the survivors.

We organized ourselves in groups, the injured in the shadows, with two or three people in charge of watching over them. Hande, myself and 3 other people are with the suitcases. The rest are in charge of looking for something edible without going too far from the beach.

While I organize everything, I notice Hande's eyes watching me.

I try to speak to everyone slowly, so that no one gets more scared than we already are. There are two children on the island, so we agree to try to keep them away from the wounded and, above all, from that plane full of lifeless people.

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