- Chapter 7 -

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It's been two nights already... I'm tired, physically and mentally. I have tried to eat all the fruits I have found, but they have not been enough, and I feel that if I don't eat something more decent I will faint. I have several cuts on my legs from the branches that have been scratching my legs. But the worst thing is what scratches my soul. I need to find that beach, I need to see her again, but, above all, I need a hug from her. I need to smell her hair.

This previous night felt like an eternity. I closed my eyes and saw her in front of me, singing with a smile on her face.

I remember with my eyes closed the night of the eighth day, when I heard her singing sitting on the rocks, away from everyone. I remember walking over and sitting down in the sand, listening to her, unnoticed. I smile bitterly as I remember the look on her face when she saw me.

As I walk, I keep humming those lyrics. It's the only thing that keeps me going, so I don't feel so lonely, even though I really am.

I feel thirsty again. I think I haven't had a drink of water for almost a day. I sit leaning against a rock, exhausted.


I don't know how long I've been lying in the place where we used to sleep. Everyone has come up to me, but I have spoken to everyone in a rude way. I don't want anyone to comfort me, I don't want anyone to tell me anything. The only thing that can make this pain in my chest go away is to see Kerem appear.

Night has come, and with it, my tears. I can't sleep. I wake up several times, looking for him in the sea, around the beach. I look at those rocks remembering how, just a few nights ago, we were singing. I can't help crying.

I think several times about going to look for him, but I know I won't last two strokes... I'll drown. I even think that drowning is the best thing to do, I don't want to be there without him, but where am I going to look for him? He's gone... and I feel like I'll die if he's not here with me.

Morning comes without warning and, with it, hopelessness. It's been almost a whole day since he disappeared at sea. I cry non-stop, I don't talk to anyone, I don't want anyone to come near me. I want him to appear, but the idea that he is not coming back invades me and I cry even more.

He no longer exists... and that can't be, it can't be that the sea has swallowed him up. He took me alone out of that plane and swam with me on his back... and he didn't drown... he must have found another place and must be coming back.

Yes, I choose to think that, even though I know how unlikely it is.

My tears come back because I know there is little chance of seeing him again. Realistically...there is no chance at all.

I cry disconsolately, I'm in a loop of pain and suffering that I can't get out of. I notice footsteps approaching. Anil leaves some food at my feet. He looks at me in sorrow and lowers his head, but he says nothing. Earlier I blamed him for Kerem's disappearance, I have been hard on him, but I can't find the voice to ask him for forgiveness.

He disappears from my sight and I look at that food. I am not interested. I am not going to eat. Then I think of Kerem and what he would say to me if he saw me like this. I imagine him telling me off and forcing me to eat, calling me "Miyy". I smile bitterly and eat that fruit cut into pieces.

I look around me and see the rest of the people there. I'm not the only one who has cried, everyone, absolutely everyone is down.

He was so important here, he was important because he was so good to everyone, so strong, so determined, I start to think that I just lost a unique person in the world, a friend, maybe something more than that…

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