is that my jacket?

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Bruce POV

I would know, right?

I sit there thinking about it
I can't like Vance. He's..
The guy who beats people up for no reason. The boy who threw a chair at the teacher. The boy who slit another boys arm open. I know he definitely did that, because Finney opened the door when the police came.
Still. I'm not gay. I mean, Finney is half gay. Robin is gay. Fully. But, I can't be? People would just think I'm copying them.
Also, I still like women. So, maybe I'm like Finney? I don't know
"Okay, but what I mean is, Finney, when did you realised you liked Robin. Romantically." I emphasised the word romantically, because, well, I could like Vance, platonically. Mabye?

"Could've said that to begin with," he joked, "well, I geuss it was always there. But I noticed I like liked Robin after he saved me from getting beaten up. Seeing how much me cared for me, it just made me so happy, and, I fell right there and then"
I could see by Finney's expression, he meant every word. I won't lie, I felt a bit jealous about what he and Robin had. I look up to see Robin half in tears, half blushing like a tomato. I knew he would walk back and hear what Finney had to say.
I call this a success

"Aw, mi amor? Is that what you think of me?" He teases
Finney froze. It was pretty funny actually.
"Oh my god, is THE Finney Blake at a loss for words?" I tease.
"Shut up" he mumbles. His face is as red as the leather seats. Robin slides next to him and puts his arms around his shoulder. He's said before he likes to flirt with Finney. He usually gets really flustered. I find it hilarious.
"So, Brucey, you have a thing for Pinball Hopper? That's certainly not what I expected" I knew Robin would change the subject. I can't escape his curiosity for long
"It's not like that bandana! I don't know if I do, that's why I asked Finney. No offence man, but you have helped me 0 percent on this" I insist, bluntly.
"Dude, what do you want from me? This is Vance Hopper. The guy who threw a hammer at a kid because he bumped into him"

"I know that. But I'm asking for-

"Hey Yamada. Fancy seeing you here?"


"Um. Vance. Hello. What's happening?"
"Nothing much," he said, "you actually eat in this shithole? Everyone knows it's going out of business"
"I know," I blurted, "but they have good food"
He pauses, glancing at the empty seat next to me
"Hm, guess we will see if your right" he smirked at me and sat next to me.
I thought about moving up, but simultaneously, he placed his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him
I froze in my seat, quickly glancing at Robin and Finney
Robin was NOT happy, in the slightest
"Long time no see, Arellano. Fancy seeing you here" he inquired.
"Vete a la mierda, Pinball" he spat. I don't think Vance can understand him?
"You've got some balls asshole. You are lucky Yamada's here. Otherwise, I would have thrown you out that fucking window." He growled

Why is this happening?
Why now?

"Okay, guys, can we just, calm down. Vance. If you want to eat with us, you can?" Finney chimes in. He is usually to keep everyone happy
"I don't need your permission Blake. I'm here because I'm hungry. Yamada. Your paying?
"Yes," I mumble "I will pay for food"

Robin was definitely not happy now
"Bruce. You don't need to pay for this Puta's food."
He scolded. He was right. But I just want everyone to get along
"Robin," I grumbled "It's okay. I will pay"
He leant back in his chair. I think that shut him up. A waitress walked over to us, "what can I get you guys?" She smiled. I like when waitresses smile. It makes me smile too.
"Oh, we would like one cheeseburger, one shared platter, two baskets of chips and, Vance, what would you like?" I ask
"You can pick for me Brucey. You said they had good food, so we are seeing if your right"
"Oh. Okay!" I noted, "and, could we get a, hm, a double decker grande with a side of fries, please" I smiled back. I make sure to always to use my curlinmanners. They are very important.
"Okay. It will be about 20 minutes to wait. Is that okay?" She inquired
"Of course" I answer, "take your time"
She smiles at me as she turns around to give out order to the cook
"So, Vance. What brings you here?" Finney asks
"I was wondering around. Figured I'd get some dinner," he recited "saw Bruce here through the window and figured it pop by,"
I felt it again. That heat rising in my cheeks. He came to eat here because he saw me? Why?
"Oh, that's nice," Finney cheers, "if you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Bruce?"
He looks up and steals a quick glance at me, his mouth curling into a smirk.
"Oh, I slept in his bed" he stated bluntly
Robin and Finney looked at me, emotionless expressions on their faces
"Isn't that right, Brucey?" He smirked, pulling closer to him, his arm around my waist
"He was cold, so I lent him my jacket," he added, "wouldn't want Bruce here getting cold. Although, I'm sure my body heat was enough."

He has some nerve

Robin looks incredibly pissed at me. The same look he gives his opponents in fights. I pray he doesn't punch me in the face. Vance is among it sound worse. I don't understand. He called me a faggot just for being within 2 feet of him. Now, he has his arm around my waist as his hand on my thigh

He's messing with me

"Say Yamada," he inquired "is that my jacket?"
He points towards the sharpie drawn clubs on the shoulders


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