You matter so much to me

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Bruce POV

TW racism

I forgot how much debate club bored me. My dad insisted I attend, apparently it's useful to be able to argue with people for hours, and hours. There's this one boy. James. He always has to start argum- debates, with me. About anything, and I mean anything. The effects of disease, foreigners, Korea. Basically,

He's Racist

And he has no shame in showing it

Sometimes I wish he would just shut his mouth. If I didn't have to maintain my reputation, I would have made him shut up. Sometimes, I wish I could be like Vance. Ruthless, violent, not caring about what others think.

"So tell me Yamada, as a, Korean. Do you enjoy stealing our jobs?"

I stare at him. Everyone around is avoiding eye contact. They wouldn't do anything even if I looked them dead in the eye.

"I was born here, James. You know that"

"I know you're not American. You're a foreigner"

"I am an American. Born and raised here. Just admit, you are racist. Please, don't hold your tongue. Tell everyone what you think of us foreigners"

He slowly closes his mouth briefly, as though debating what to say next. I see his eyes glint with hatred.

"Alright," he starts "I think, you are a job stealing, pocket calculator, slit eyed,"

"Gook," he spits that word, I watch as he smiles like a psycho. I feel a tear start to form in my eye. I won't let it fall. Real men shouldn't cry, at least that's what my father says

"What the fuck did you just call him?"

I watch as James' face drops, his glare of hatred replaced with fear. I turn around to see Vance stood in the doorway, his freshly healed fists clenched.

"I- I didn't mean it. I'm- "

"Shut your mouth the little bitch!" He screams, beginning to stop towards James

I should have stopped him, but I found myself just sitting there. Watching as Vance beat him to a pulp

He eventually stopped hitting James, after he stopped screaming.

He got back off of James, his knuckles freshly cut and split. They looked worse than they did when he punched that wall.

He walks over to me, cupping my face in his hands.
"Are you okay? Did he say anything else? Did he hurt you?" He asks, a concerned yet determined look on his face. He's genuinely concerned

I see everyone staring. I pull his hands if my face, earning a slightly hurt look from Vance. I look everyone in my club in the eye

"What the fuck are you all looking at?" I spit, making everyone turn away. That hurt a bit. Now I know how Vance feels. To have people scared of you. To have no one look at you, for the fear of being hurt.

He grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the room. his grip tightens as he pulls me down the hallway. His fingers start to dig into my wrists.

"Vance, you're hurting me. Please let go," I whine, but he doesn't he keeps dragging me, until we are outside the school. He lets go suddenly, causing me to stumble. He grabs the hood of my hoodie and pulls me towards him, his hair brushing against my cheeks.

"Why the fuck did you just stand there!" He shouts, spit flying out of his mouth, "You should have said something! He disrespected you and you just stood there!"

I feel those tears start to appear again. Don't cry Bruce. Do not cry.

"You're crying now! Seriously Bruce!," he shouts in disbelief, " I can't always defend you! You need to man up. People like that ginger bitch are everywhere, and you can't let him shit on you!"

Fuck sake Bruce, don't cry.

I watch Vance's face change from anger to sympathy as he lets go of my hoodie. I feel those tears I was holding back begin to flow, my lip trembling. I don't know what to think. Or say.

So I just let it all out

"I'm so sorry Vance! Im so sorry, I'm sorry!," I scream through my tears
" I know I should have said something! But I didn't. I just stood there! And I'm sorry! Please don't hate me!"

"Don't leave me"

He stands there, taken aback, before pulling me onto the grass below. He uses his thumb to wipe away my tears. I grasp his hand, holding his blooded knuckles near my cheek. I carefully caress them, avoiding touching the wounds as the tears fall.

"Brucey," he begins, an unforgettably soft tone as he chooses his words carefully

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"Brucey," he begins, an unforgettably soft tone as he chooses his words carefully.
" you matter so much to me. I could never hate you. You are my first friend and I will defend you with all I have." 

He really means that

I sit there for a few minutes, thinking. Thinking about what Vance said. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm glad he cares about me. Obviously. But the way he said friend was off to me. It sounded off. Like he forced himself to say it. It sounds like, he wanted to say something else.

What could he have wanted to say?

He pulls me closer to him, placing his arms around my waist. He pulls me closer, a smell of cinnamon filling my nostrils, a mix of icey air in my lungs. I feel myself start to calm down as I lean into his chest. This has happened a lot these last few days.

I seriously think me and Vance are becoming the best of


I feel like now. I will always protect him. Always. If he's ever hurt or sad. I will be there. I will make those pains and emotions go away. I want him to be happy. He deserves it

" hey Brucey, you wanna go use these vouchers? Get some pizza and some milkshakes? My treat"

I smile at him, "absolutely. I would love to. Lead the way Blondie"

He giggles at me, pulling me to my feet

"Well then, let's get walking Brucey"

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