Why cant you be a girl?

454 17 14

Bruce POV

The very ground beneath my foot began to shape, a print of my walk laying in the dirt. Bright beams of light piercing my eyes as I exit into the stadium. Roars ripple through the crowd as I stride to my post. Bat held low, legs bent, I stare at my opponent. The day I loose, will not be this one. I will remain victorious.

A glimpse of white fires towards me, my bat swinging forward at a vicious speed. A loud collision ripples through the very air around me, the splinter of white gliding into the sky.

Victory is mine

I stare into the crowd, only to be met with disappointment. The usual mop of blonde curls absent from his seat.

Victory, with the cost of loss

"Mr Yamada. Do you mind waking up from my desk and listening. I hope it's not too hard for you?"

I shoot up instantly, cold sweat upon my brow

"Yes. Um, sorry miss Ledgon," I stutter "my apologies."

"Hm. Try to stay awake this time."

The tension was cut short as the school bell rang through the halls. My bag seemed to pack itself as I left the room, wondering back to my dream

Victory, with the cost of loss

I could never want To trade Vance for glory. How could I? Everything I've ever worked for was never my own idea. Baseball. Shoved down my throat since 4. All the training. The games. The clubs.

The beatings

it can't be all for nothing.

But I can't have shared my life with someone who could simply vanish

I can't blame him

After all. Those born in a burning home believe the whole world is on fire.

I sharp tug pulls me out of my trance as I gravitate behind an old, chipped wall. A wave of anxiety crashes into my lungs, filling them with carbon dioxide, cutting off my oxygen supply.

"Fancy seeing you here Yamada."

I quick glance settled all my worries immediately. An aroma of pumpkin spice lingering in the frost.

"Look. It's been nice. But. I'm not a faggot. And I don't really give a shit about you anymore."


"I wish you the best, or whatever sappy shit you're suppose to say, but this is a "fuck off" kind of thing. See ya around."

He cant be done


"Look Bruce, I'm not your faggot boyfriend, okay? I was just messing about because I was bored."


"No hard feelings or any of that shit. You can just go back to your life."

"You're scared."

He immediately snaps back to me, a look of pure rage in his eye

"You fucking what?"

"Why are you scared? There's nothing to run from."

"I'm not fucking scared."

"You are. You're scared of what people will think because all you are used to is rejection."

"You don't know fuck all Yamada. Look, I said this is a fuck off kind of thing. We had. Decent. Times together, but I wasn't being serious. I'm not a fucking fairy."

"Would it be so scary?" I whisper, taking a step towards him "If I wanted more?"

"The fuck do you mean, 'more'?"

"You know, you can still hold my hand in a crowded place," I make a second step towards him "but, you could hold me close enough that no one sees my face."

"What are you playing at?" He growls, a flustered face

"I could answer your troubles if you just let me in. Why do you keep hiding?"

He moves closer to me. A hand on my hip.

"You need to back the fuck up."

"Let me in, Vance. You know I will love you no matter what. Right?"

Our lips brush ever so slightly, my hand on his neck. They touch, softly, a sigh leaving Vance's mouth. I watch a single tear drip from his eye.

"I wish you were a girl." He whispers

"Why can't you be a girl?"



I'm trying to post more, I promise

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