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Bruce POV

I walk towards the school doors, checking the time on the clock inside

8:28 am

I grab Vance's uninjured hand, pulling him with me. We walk through the doors, the corridors empty. I walk towards my form room, releasing Vance's wrist from my grip

"Okay, this is my home room, so I'll-

He grabs my hand, pulling me into a kiss, his lips soft. He lets me go, waving at me as he walks away

He loves messing with me

I open the door, walking inside

"Ah, mr Yamada. This is the second time this week that you've turned up just before the bell. Don't make a habit if it"

"Of course not, miss. I apologise" I rely

My teacher smiles at me, gesturing to my seat. I sit down at my seat, pulling my supplies out of my bag

Moments later, I hear the door slam open. I look up to see a familiar blonde stood in the doorway, wearing my varsity jacket

"Mr Hopper. What a delightful surprise. You've decided to attend home room, today"

"Where do I sit?" He asks, glancing at me briefly

A hear a few kids whispering behind me, saying things like

"Why is he wearing that jacket?
"What's he doing here?"
"That's Bruce's jacket!"

I feel my face heat up slightly, as the teacher walks towards him.

"You can sit beside Bruce. I'm sure he could set a good example for you."

His face remains unchanged, as he starts walking towards me. I throws himself on the chair next to me, his composer all over the place.

The teacher began rambling about something when I turned to him

"I didn't know you were in my home room?"


"And you didn't mention it?"


I stare at him, a slight frown on my face. He seems. Different. He seems to immediately have his bad attitude within being in school for a few minutes. That thought is completely shattered when he snakes his hand under the table, interlocking out fingers. He keeps his eyes in the board, completely unchanged by this event

I hear some more kids whisper behind me, saying things like

"Do you reckon he stole that jacket?"
"Of course he did, he's an animal"
"Did you see what he did to James's face? He mutilated him"
"Didn't he hold Bruce's face after that?"
"You reckon he's queer?"

My heart feels heavy in my chest, hearing those things being said about Vance. I glance over at him. One look at his face and I knew he could hear what they were saying. He looked. Disappointed in himself.

"Okay guys, I will see you tomorrow, get to your lessons please."

Vance stands up, pulling me with him. His hands stay interlocked with mine. I try to pull away, but he tightens his grip. I bury my face into his side, hoping no one would recognise me. I was wrong.

Everyone could

He walks down the hallway, our hands still interlocked, everyone who saw us. Whispering. Staring. I feel tears in the corners of my eyes. I'm not ready to be open. At all.

"Vance, please let go. I don't feel comfortable-

"It's fine Bruce. I'm here. No one will harm you when I'm here."

I keep my face buried in his side

"And when you're not with me? What if they jump me when your not there?"

"Brucey. You can pack a punch. I'm very sure you can defend yourself"

"Vance, please," I beg, my voice coming out as a whimper

He pulls me around a corner, pulling me into a close hug. He kisses my forehead before leaning his against mine.

"What are you scared of, Bruce?" He asks, his thumb wiping my tears away

"Everyone, Vance. Their whispers. Their stares. People talk, and what if my parents hear?"

"Who gives a fuck about what your parents think?"

"Me." I warn "I care what they think. They control my whole life, Vance. You have freedom, I do not"

He stares at me for a moment. I could see the clocks in his head ticking away. He lets go of my hand, standing back slightly

"Okay. I understand Brucey. We can wait until you feel comfortable. Although, I'm sorry for this," he takes a step back, swinging forward, his fist hitting me in the cheek. I go flying backwards, landing on my back

"You hit me?!" I scream, my jaw aching

"I'm said sorry. You don't want people to know, so I'm making it look like I beat you up," he kneels beside me, a sincere look in his eyes

"Okay! Well, you didn't need to hit me in the face!" I scream, my eyes beginning to water

"I'm really sorry Brucey, but it was necessary. Now listen to me," he whispers

"I'm gonna shout at you, and you're gonna run away from me. Fast, like I'm trying to hunt you down. That will make it more believable."

I look at him, completely confused.

How would shouting at me do any-


Vance suddenly grabs me, mouthing 'I'm so sorry' to me, before throwing me into the hallway.

I remember what he said now, I've got to pretend to be scared


I see him storming towards me, his fists clenched. I scramble to my feet, immediately taking off down the hallway

"COME BACK AND FIGHT ME YOU FUCKING COWARD!" He screams, chasing me down the hall

I see crowds of people staring at me, fearing for my life. I run as fast as I can round the corner, darting to my next lesson. I trip over my own legs, tumbling to the floor again, my chest heaving

What the fuck just happened?

I stand up, my legs still weak from earlier, dragging myself to my classroom. My jaw starts aching again, the skin bruised and irritated.

Vance better make it up to me now

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