Please welcome the Bandage Breakers!

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Bruce POV

I read the clock on the wall in my kitchen


Vance will be here soon, along with Finney and Robin.

I walk over to the mirror again, my reflection staring back at me. I ran my fingers along the ironed fabric, little to no creases. My jeans were held tight, my best leather belt around my waist. Simultaneously, i here a firm knock on my door


Walking across the floor, I open the door. Vance, Robin and Finney were all here already.

"Hey guys! Should we start walking?"

Robin laughs at me, his arm around Finney's waist.

"Who said we were walking, hermano?"

Robin gestures to a large brown jeep across the street. It has big black tires, a few scratches here and there, and plenty of room for all of us

"Great, let's go." I smile, walking towards the car. I get in the back seat, Vance next to me. Robin and Finney sat in the front, Robin obviously driving.

None of us have our license

We put our seatbelts on as Robin slips a CD on, a playlist he made with me and Finney. The music starts to flood the car, as we begin to sing the lyrics as loud as we possibly could

"And I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby! Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby! Listen to iron maiden. Baby, with me. Ooooooooooo!"

We all giggle as Vance covers his ears, dramatically sticking his tongue out at us. We continue to sing songs until Vance tells Robin where to park, still covering his ears, complaining we "have a shit taste in music".

Robin expertly parks his jeep, pulling the keys out of the ignition. I lean forward slightly, reading the time on the clock


Not too bad

We exit the car, Vance speeding ahead of us. The building in front of me looked relatively small, built entirely out of red and brown brick. The doors were splintered, one of the windows taped up where it had been shattered. There was a menu outside.

They sell decent food

Robin grabs Finney's hand, dragging him inside, muttering some words in Spanish no one else could make out. I follow after him, straightening my belt around my waist. We walked down a long corridor, before we entered what looked like a normal bar. The blue spotted carpet floors, the weird tapestry wallpaper, and of course tables and chairs. The bar itself was in the corner of the room, a few servers sat on stools, phones in hand

Vance calls for me from the other side of the room, a small group of people stood with him. Nervously, I walk towards him, my hands in my pocket.

"Bruce, come meet my band." He smiles, gesturing to the group of people in-front of me

"oh, so this is Bruce?" One of them asks, a small smirk on his lips

"Nice to meet you, Bruce. We've heard a lot-

"Moving on," Vance interrupted "Meet Billy, Zach, Cody, and Griffin"

I stare at the people in-front of me, two of their faces seeming awfully familiar. Upon closer inspection, it clicks

"Oh!" I exclaim "Billy and Griffin. I know you guys, you were-"

"Yeah," Billy says, cutting me off "we get it, no need to repeat it."

"Oi, don't be fucking rude asshole" Vance warns, his grip on my waist tightening. He scoffs, grabbing the purple shirt from earlier out of his pocket.

"I've got this shirt. This is it. Right here," he smirks, his grip tightening on the shirt

"What is?" Griffin asks, placing his hands in his pockets

"The nightmare end of your pathetic little life. What do you think, smartass?

"Oh, right. Got it" he smirks, giving Billy a little nudge. They all collectively smile, making their way backstage. I'm left by myself, Robin and Finney sat at the bar, giggling and drinking.

"Hey, Cuervo. Come sit down, have a drink." Robin cheers, holding a glass to my hand. I take it, sitting down in the chair.

"So, your amor is in a band? He any good?"

" I don't know," I admit, taking a sip of my drink "I know he plays drums and electric guitar, but I didn't know he was in a band. I didn't know he knew people who weren't scared of him"

Robin laughs at me, his whisky glass half empty
"Well, this is an interesting double date, ain't it?"

We all erupt into laughter, clinking our glasses together. We drink a bit for an hour, the gentlemen serving us told us it's already covered. The bar was a lot more busy now, most people surrounding the seating area near the stage. I checked the clock on the wall, the time reading 6:54

"Guys, let's go closer," Finney suggests, grabbing Robins hand "Bruce will wanna be closer to his boyfriend." He winks at me, a smug smile on his face

We push through the crowd, most of the crowd being kids about our age, and a few middle aged men

Probably here for the booze

We get to a decent spot, the stage a few centimetres away from us. I look beside me, Robin holding Finney's hand in the crowd of people.

The lights fade slightly, a middle aged women walking into the stage

"Okay, welcome to the Barnes and truffle!" She cheers, a few old men with beers raising their glasses
"Tonight, we have the small band playing a song by the band," she pauses "Arctic Monkeys" she giggles to herself before continuing

"Please welcome Bandage Breakers!" She cheers, the crowd suddenly erupting in cheers. Me and Robin look at each other, confused at the sudden excitement.

Surely Vance's band isn't THAT well known


The red curtains pull back, the lights fading darker. I watch as a tall, blonde man walks forward, a microphone wrapped in his hand.

He was gorgeous

His long, curly blonde hair hung past his shoulders, a smug smile on his face. He had a purple crop top on, his abs visible to all those around. He had long, tight jeans, with black converse on to top it off. He had a large, black tattoo on his right shoulder, it swirled against his skin. He had another tattoo on his stomach.

A Metallica Tattoo

He had his nails painted black, the tips of them shining under the spotlight. He had a blue hoodie hanging from his arms, it hung just last his waist. To tie it all together, he had a red, heart earring, dangling from his left ear

I feel my cheeks heat up slightly, as he walked into stage. I stare at his belt and feel my face heat even more

The initials VH on the belt buckle

This boy was Vance

This boy was Vance

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Authors Note:

I'm very proud of this drawing. And tbh, I'm a sucker for Crop top Vance.
anyway, next chapter will be soon 💙

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