Snap out if it

703 17 18

TW: minor smut

Bruce POV

That boy was Vance

He walks out towards the edge of the stage, the crowd roaring. Vance reaches forward, microphone in hand, staring at me. He winks, his teeth shining as he moved. He gestured towards Griffin, the drummer, as he tapped his sticks





On queue, Griffin brought the sticks down, beginning to play a tune. A few beats later, he is accompanied by Billy's electric guitar, and the other band members instruments. Vance takes a deep breathe and starts to sing

Vance is the lead singer?

"What's been happenin' in your world?"
He begins to sing, his voice flooding the whole building.

Boy, he can sing

"What have you been up to?"
He strut around the stage, Griffin in the back playing the drums more aggressively as Vance sang

"I heard that you fell in love or near enough"
Vance unexpectedly jumped off the stage, making his way towards me

"I heard that you fell in love or near enough"Vance unexpectedly jumped off the stage, making his way towards me

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I gotta tell you the truth, yeah"
He was right in-front of me

Leaning over me, he places one hand up my chest, gripping slightly at my abs. His cherry lips met my own, a delicate kiss. He pulled away, my eye lids droopy

"I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby
Snap out of it (snap out of it)
I get the feelin' I left it too late, but baby
Snap out of it (snap out of it)
If that watch don't continue to swing
Or the fat lady fancies havin' a sing
I'll be here waitin' ever so patiently
For you to snap out of it"

I look over to Robin and Finney giggling together. Robin had his hand up Finney's shirt, his face buried into the scruff of his neck.


I stare at Vance in admiration as he performs. The way his hair bounces as he moves, his voice low, angelic. His outfit was definitely to mess with me. I find myself moving closer to the stage, closely watching Vance as he sang

"Under a spell you're hypnotised"
He smirks at me, kneeling down to meet my eye. His beautiful blue eyes burn through me, my knees week

"Darlin', how could you be so blind?"


About 20 minutes later, Vance's band concluded, the cheering doubling as they walked off stage.

"Hey guys," I shout, Robin turning to face me "I'm gonna go see Vance, that alright?"

"Of course Hermano," he smiles, kissing Finney's neck "Me and Finney are gonna go back to the bar, just come meet us when your done, chico."

With that, Finney grabs Robins hand, pulling him towards the bar, leaving me stood in the crowd to find Vance

I walk through the crowd, a door looking like it leads to back stage standing in front of me. I go to reach the handle, but the door flings open before I get the chance. Vance pulls me into the room, his grip on my belt

He kisses my lips, a slight desperation to his movements. He pins my hips to the wall with his leg, slipping his hands under my shirt. He claws desperately at my skin, placing more pressure into his leg.

"Vance-" I gasp, his knee against my trousers. He moves his hands slightly up my shirt. The pressure in his leg increases, his knee pressed further against my trousers

"Vance- ah- what are you doing?"

"I don't know what you mean, Brucey," he breathes, resting his forehead against my own. He starts to move his leg, creating friction between our jeans.
I grip at his hair in a desperate attempt to muffle the sounds leaving my mouth

"Please- please Vance," I plead "s-stop it,"

He pulls me by my belt, leading me to a closet across the hall. He shoved us inside, closing the door behind us. The darkness starts to settle in, my vision failing me. Suddenly, a soft hand pulls me downward, causing me to land in Vance's lap on the floor.

"No one can hear us now, Brucey," he mewls, his breath against my ear. I feel a hand against my crotch, another making it's way up my shirt

He kisses down my neck, his tongue piercing cold against my skin

"Don't worry Brucey. This won't hurt as much,"


"Mi amor, the best drink is scotch on rocks, nothing can beat it," I giggle, Fin's fingers interlocked with mine.

"No! Robin, a Pornstar martini is best. Trust me"

We both giggle at eachother, Fin sat in my lap. He learns back against my chest, his curls tickling my face. I kiss his temple, getting a small hum in reply.

"Mi Rayo de sol, should we go find Bruce? He and that Rubio boyfriend of his need me to drive them home."

Fin laughs at my nicknames, kissing my knuckles in reply

"Sure, let's go find Bruce"

We stand up together, my arm wrapped around Fin's waist. We walk to the door we saw Bruce go through,  opening it with ease

Upon entry, I hear a strange noise coming from down the hall. It sounds like someone is in pain. I walk ahead of Fin, following the strange sound to a small closet. I place an ear to the door, the noise seeming louder


That's Bruce's voice

I take a step back, kicking the door down. I barge into the room to find Vance and Bruce. I look down at them and immediately cover my eyes. Vance and Bruce were a little busy tangled up in one another.

In more ways than one

"Get the fuck out, asshole. Can't you see I'm busy?" Vance shouts, Bruce's face now burried into his chest. Probably out of embarrassment.

I swear Vance growled at me

"I am, believe me, malditos animales." I groan, stepping back out the room, my hand still covering my eyes.

I turn around to see Fin staring at me, his cheeks bright pink.

"What's the matter, Mi campeón de beisbol?" I ask, stepping towards Fin

"Were they-

"Yup," I interrupt, pulling Fin down the hallway. We make our way out of the building, sitting on the grass patch outside

We stare at eachother briefly before erupting into loud laughter

"That was so embarrassing!" He giggles, his hand over his mouth

"I know! They looked like someone tied their shoelaces together," I add, giggling with him

"Well, geuss we're waiting a while."

Authors note:

The song Vance was singing is called Snap out of it by Arctic Monkeys

You should listen to it, It's so gooooood

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