You tired, Yamada?

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Bruce POV


"Um, it might be?" I try to make it seem less awkward. I think i made it more awkward. He looks at me, I swear I can see a mischievous glint in his eyes. He leans near to me, his eyes staring straight through me
"Hm, suits you Brucey. You think you could share it with your boyfriend here?" He grins ear to ear


"Listen here you loco puta, he isn't interested in you. Leave him the fuck alone." Robin spits, I can see Finney trying to calm him down. This definitely isn't what I wanted to happen today. I feel bad, but it really isn't my fault. By chance, I saw Vance outside and now he won't leave. He's always around me and to be honest, I don't know how I feel about it.

"Watch your tongue, Arellano. I'll shove that ice cream sundae down your fucking throat." He warns
Surprisingly, Robin didn't say anything back. Having Vance and Robin in the same building is a challenge, let alone in the same booth at the local diner.

I slyly look under the table to see Finney and Robin holding hands. I've got to give it to him, when it comes to making Robin calm down, Finney certainly knows what to do.

I look back up to find Vance has moved even closer to me. His hand is now further up my leg and he's got his right leg tangled with my left leg.


I feel that blush again. It crawls up my neck and floods on my face. Finney certainly notices it. He's giving me 'the look' he made earlier when I asked him about Robin. I swear, his stare is gonna burn a hole through me.

"Hello again guys, sorry for the wait, here's your food,"
Thank god for that waitress. I'll be sure to tip her. More than usual that is, you always tip the waitress. It's basic manners.
"Thank you, enjoy the rest of your shift," I cheer back, earning a smile from her.
Immediately, Finney and Robin dig into their sharing platter, leaving little to no crumbs.
I give Vance his burger. Examining it in his hand
"Hm, looks good Yamada. But is it good, that's the question," he puts the burger to his mouth and takes a bite of the burger.
"This. Is. Fucking. Delicious. Wow, how have I never eaten here?" He exclaims

He, smiled?

"I told you! I would never lie," I state confidently, "I have THE best taste in this town"
"I agree," He says smoothly, " you picked me" he winks at me

Why does he have to be so..

"Hurhur, hilarious," I grumble. I've never actually seen Vance smile before. He usually has a pouting look about him. Always ready for a fight and always ready to win. I've never really noticed him. Properly.
I don't think anyone has ever looked past his violence and really got to know him.

"Exactly," I reply, "you have proved I have taste,"

I've never seen him so red in the face. I can't tell if it's anger or he's just blushing like an idiot. That question is answered however, his arm travels further up my leg and pulls me even closer to him, those blonde curls tickling my cheek. I can smell that smell again. His smell. That sweet, calming smell on his clothes and in his hair. I swear, it's like a sleep potion, as again, just that scent makes me want to fall asleep

I grab onto his shirt, attempting to stay awake, but I'm too tired to try. I feel my body slip down his chest and my head suddenly hits something soft.
The next best thing is the floor. But, there is another option of where my head landed. I glance through my eyelashes to see a flustered Vance, frozen to his seat, desperately trying not to wake me.

I'm resting my head on his lap

I know he sees I'm still half awake, because I hear that smug voice again,
"You tired, Yamada?"
I honestly cannot tell if that smell is what makes me sleepy, or my dads training, or the fact that it is later at night. I'm almost certain it is the his, perfume? I don't even know, and right now, I'm too tired to think..

Vance POV

I can't move now. Goddam it. Bruce has his head on my lap and his hand on mine. Fuck sake.

"One of you too fuckers, help me move him?"
"Why? He looks peaceful. He needs a rest too, all that training his dad has him doing. I couldn't keep up" Finney gives him a sympathetic look. The fuck does he mean?
What training makes a 16 year old so tired that whenever he's near me, he falls asleep. On me of all people. I don't, Mind? But now I can't leave. It's awkward being the only one who no fucker likes or speaks to.

"I wanna leave? And it wasn't a fucking request. Get up and help me asshole," I could have worded it better. Fuck sake. Robin gets up to let Finney past. At least he's gonna help me. He walks up to me and places both hands next to Bruce's head. He lifts his head slightly as I manoeuvre behind him and out of the booth.
Should I take Bruce with me? Or will these guys take him home? Will they do it safely? What is that kidnapper gets him?

"Okay? Pass him here, I'll take him home," I say, pulling him up off the seat, my hand around his waist, in an attempt to hold him up

"You sure? We would help,  it we live in the opposite direction," Finney smiles slightly

"No. If got him. You and your boyfriend over there can get moving. Now fuck off, because I leave him here for you to take"

He smiled at me, which didn't actually piss me off like it usually did. I don't like when people smile at me. They either want something, or are scared of me. It's never an actual, real smile

"I think you're a good person Vance. Thank you for taking care of Bruce," he states " and for future reference, he likes picnics. Or food. Especially pizza"
And with that, he leaves with Robin and start to walk down the road

What does he mean?

For future reference?

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