I love you Pinball Vance Hopper

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Bruce POV

I feel my face start to heat up as Vance stares into my eyes. Those piercing blue eyes. Those beautiful, royal blue eyes, deeper than the ocean.

His cherry lips millimetres apart from my own

He is



Without thinking I slip a hand between his arms, placing it on his face. He flinches a little. His eyes break away from mine for a moment, staring at my hand. He stares back at me, his expression that if a lost puppy

He has no idea how to feel

"I um-" he stutters, backing away from me "Im gonna go to the toilet. I'll be back"

He slides off of the seat, striding around the corner and out of sight

What just happened?

His face was so close to mine. His lips, his eyes. His face. His hair. Everything. He was millimetres, if not closer to me. He looked as though he was thinking. Hard. About what was happening. That was definitely a


But I don't know what about

He seemed lost. If not confused

"Hey, Bruce. Would you mind if I sat with you for a little while?"

I snap out of my thought to see Tommy, a bright smile on his face

"Sure Tommy, take a seat,"

He sat down opposite me, placing his serving plate beside himself.

"I want to talk to you about something. Important" he emphasis, glancing side to side, as though what he was about to say could get him in serious trouble


"I think Vance is in love with you"

I stare at him. Emotionless. Waiting for him to say he was joking

He didn't

"I'm sorry, what?" I say blankly

"I think that. Animal. Is in love with you"


"He's a vile person Bruce"


"I think you should stay away from him. He would kill you over his pinball game. You should save yourself while you have the-


He stares at me, an angry expression in his eyes


"I said," I begin to raise my voice "leave my table. Now. Before I make you leave"

He looks at me as though I'd spat on his mother's grave

"I'm trying to help you here Bruce!" He growls " What would your parents think?"



"What would my parents think? What would my parents think?!" I slam the table with my fists, causing Tommy to jump back slightly

"Fuck what my parents think! And fuck you Tommy, with your disgusting manners and your bitch like personality!"

I thought I had finished

But I wasn't done ranting

"Vance is a beautiful, wonderful person, who would never hurt me! He is kind, sincere, he doesn't look down on others and he is twice the friend you will ever be! Calling him an animal? Are you fucking serious?"

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