Love, Vance (Pinball) Hopper - alternate ending

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Vance POV

Shit, I'm really late

Bruce's game started 10 minutes ago

Shit, I need to hurry

A start to pick up speed, jogging towards the stadium. It becomes more visible as I cover more ground, my legs and hips aching. I tighten my grip on the rose as I continue to sprint.

Finally, I reach the stadium, the outside almost abandoned. Heading for the opening, I ascend the stairs, tripping here and there. I hear people shouting as I get further up the stairs.

This is it

I'm gonna see Bruce and I'm gonna give his this rose. He will read the note and understand my feelings. He will forgive me and we can be boyfriends

This has to wor-

"Excuse me young man, would you like to see a magic trick?"

I stop briefly, turning around to see an older guy behind of me. I glance upward to see a black top hat, resting on his head and a red turtle neck sweater hugging his throat


"I said, would you like to see a magic trick?" He repeats, holding out a black balloon

"Um, no? I'm not fucking five."

His eyes almost darken at my response

"Oh please would you stay? It's only a small trick."

"Look old man," I start, starting to get pissed off "I'm kinda busy, so just piss off. I don't want to see your shitty magic trick."

"I see." He reply's, stepping closer to me "well, do take a balloon, as an apology."

He shoves the the balloon in my face, a sinister smile plastered on his face

"What the fuck? No? Leave me alone you pedophile fuck!"

I immediately shove past the man, jogging up the stairs to the top of the stadium

What a fucking weirdo

I sprint up the final steps as the crowd cheers and roars, half the stadium out of their seats

It doesn't take long for me to locate a certain long haired fighter, sticking out of the crowd. I walk through the crowds of people, my boots pounding against the metal floor

"Oi Arellano, you got a spare seat?"

He turns to me, a smug smirk painting his face

"Would you look at that, chico amenta made it to his Cuervo novios baseball game."

"Shut the fuck up."

I practically throw myself at my chair, wincing slightly as my bruises ache. Robin turns to me, his smirk disappearing as he stares at me

"The fuck happened to you? Someone get you from behind?" He asks, poking my split lip

"Oi, fucker, that stings! And no, I just fell. Into a fist. That happened to belong to my old man."

"Shit man." He sighs, leaning back in his seat "guess you're not the toughest guy anymore."

We giggle slightly at each other before staring back at the field

"Oi, Rubio, your boyfriend is playing"

Bruce POV

It's my final turn

This single round determines my future

I must win

for my future

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