So, what time are we going on this date?

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Vance POV

I feel the sun shoot through my eyelids as feel my body starts to wake up.

I feel like utter shit

I roll over to find a head of raven hair lying next to me, the smell of apple spice flooding my nostrils. I feel all the memories flood back into my mind

I yelled at Bruce

My Bruce

Shit. Shit. Fuck. I said I would never do that

It was an accident, you are only human

"Vance, you look stressed. Are you okay?"

I turn my head towards the soft voice, my heart racing. I find myself wrapped around Bruce, my head buried into his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist, our bodies pressed together. He shuddered slightly, probably out of surprise

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I shake my head slightly, the guilt eating away at my voice. He hummed in reply, resting his back against a pillow. I feel his chest rise and fall beneath my head, his heart beat calm and collected. He reaches towards his bedside cabinet, grasping his cassette tapes and player. He places a song into the cassette player, placing the left ear phone in his eye and the right in mine.

He lays back against the pillow, pressing the play button. A loud rhythm, painted in lyrics, start to erupt in my ears.

Brucey likes the same music as me


I close my eyes, as the song lyrics run through my brain.

"I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
Living in the past, it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do"

I feel his fingers in my hair, tapping to the rhythm of the song.

I snuggled further into his chest, his smell embedded into my nostrils. I feel my vision begin to blur, the tiredness taking over me.

I could do with a nap

Bruce POV

I stare at the head of curls resting on my chest, a muscled arm wrapped around my waist.

What happened yesterday?

We were fine, then the next minute we were screaming at each other.

It seems to happen a lot

We could be having the most wonderful time, actually happy and loving, but then the next minute, Vance could find anything to be angry about

I really


Want this to work

Maybe I need to do more? What could we do today to forget this?

I know! A double date with Robin and Finney! That should be fun (thanks to @puertodorian for that idea 😊)

I slide off my bed, doing a slight jog to my closet. I practically rip my clothes of the hangers, searching for a decent outfit. I throw on my best pair of jeans, my favourite green t-shirt and my converse shoes. I grasp Vance's Hoodie, making my way towards my window.

I need to get to Robins house first, then Finney's

I climb out of my window, sliding down the pipe attached to the wall. I land with a thud, the cold grass brushing against my hands. I set off running down the road, the sun peaking from behind the distant houses

After about 8 minutes of running, I get to Robins house.

It's a lovely brick house, with a bright red door.

I walk up the pathway, walking around to Robins window. I scale the pipes, pulling myself onto his window ledge. I peer through the window to find Robin, and Finney, sound asleep together, tangled in Robins bed.

I knock on the window, causing Robin to shoot up from his bed. He turns to me, a grumpy look on his face. He makes his way over to me, opening the window.

"What are you doing here, cuervo? It's early morning," he asks, his hands on the window ledge

"I'm here to ask if you wanted to do a double date? You and Finney, Me and Vance?"

He looks at me for a moment, thoughts brewing in his mind.

"Where's this coming from chico? And why today? He replys, a small smirk on his lips

"Because. We haven't had much time to hang out these past few weeks and I wanna do something with you guys. I also want to cheer Vance up. So double dates sound like a good way to kill two birds with one stone."

He smiles at me, placing a hand in my shoulder

"You're an odd hijo de puta," he laughs " me and bella Durmiente get you like this guy. Don't feel bad hermano"

He pulls me into his room, making his way over to Finney

"despierta mi amor, déjame ver tu hermoso rostro," he whispers

I watch Finney roll over, rubbing his eyes. He sits up, meeting my eyes with his own

"How did you get in? Did you climb the window?"

"Yup" I say, sat against the window ledge

"Hm." He reply's "Well, what's up Bruce?"

He smiles at me, his fluffy hair sticking up in all directions.

"I wanna do a double date. You, Robin with Me and Vance," he begin

"Sure!" He cheers "sounds lovely, what do you think Robin?"

"Whatever Finney wants" Robin looks at Finney, winking at him

"Okay, so it's settled!" I smile "we can go to the drive in cinema in town, all four of us"

I walk over to Robin and Finney, giving them hugs

"I'm glad we get to do something together guys." I smile "meet at mine for 5, we're gonna watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre."

"Isn't that movie rated R? My dad would never let me see that."

Finney frowns at me

"Mi amor, your dad doesn't have to know, you can say you're coming to my house?" Robin suggests

"Okay. Alright, alright, I'll be there at 5"

"Thanks guys, really. I can't wait for this,"

I make my way back out of Robins window, lowering myself down the pipe. I decide to walk the longer route home.

About 20 minutes later, I end up back outside my house, climbing through my window. I get back inside to my bed made, clothes back in my wardrobe and Vance not were I left him

I walk over to my closet, my coat in hand. I put it back on the hook, placing my shoes against the wall.

Simultaneously, my bedroom door opens, a tall, muscular boy stood in the door frame

"Where did you go, Bruce?"

I feel my jaw agape slightly at the sight in-front of me. Vance was dripping wet from the shower, his muscles outlined more than usual. He had his hair tied up.

He had an undercut

I look to the left to see a freshly pierced ear. He had a diamond earring in his ear

He makes his way over to me, his towel draped over his shoulder

"So, what time are we going on this date?"

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