You're perfect just the way you are

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Vance POV

"Well then, let's get walking Brucey" I comment, pulling Bruce to his feet.

I didn't mean to make him cry. That's the last thing I want.

I thank the fuck for Finney. He managed to catch on to what I was trying to do. I would never have asked him what Bruce likes, so it's good he noticed. What was it he said?

Pizza, picnics and food

I've got the vouchers to go get pizza. There's a new diner in town, but now I'm fucking broke. I spent every last penny I owned to be able to go. The catch was, if I pay 30 dollars a person, we eat anything and everything we want, any drink, and refills. Then, there was the time we have to leave. We could stay until it closes, which is like, 8pm

So yeah

I'm broke after this now, so a picnic will be my fucking saviour

"Vance, you okay?"

I snap out of my daydream to see Bruce waving a hand in-front of my face, his other hand holding mine. He had that loving look in his eyes. Like the one he gives close friends and family.

"Yeah, I'm good," I reply "we're almost there"

I walk ahead slightly until I'm basically dragging Bruce, his shoes dragging on the floor. I don't know why, but I started running.

Still dragging Bruce with me

"Vance! Why are we running?" He giggles, managing to keep up with me

"Why? Because I think your slow!" I reply playfully, smirking at him as I run ahead of him

"Oh, you're on Hopper!"

He suddenly speeds past me, completely overtaking me in speed.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I shout, picking up the pace.

He eventually stops right outside the diner, me tumbling after. I sat down on the floor, clutching my lungs. I swear, Bruce is so fucking fit. Here I am, dying because I had to run for 10 minutes, but Bruce is fine. I geuss it's because he plays baseball.

"Is this it?" He inquires, gesturing to the double doors, plastered in red and white

"Yeah, think so," I breathe "they better have good food, it cost a fucking fortune"

"I though you said you had vouchers?" I raised an eyebrow at me

Fuck sake

Me and my big mouth

"That's what I meant." I state bluntly, trying to ease him away from the idea that I spent 60 dollars on this

"Well then? Let's fucking go dipshit, it's cold out here," I brush past him, opening the doors for him to walk though. He gives me a genuine smile of gratitude on his way in.

He has a nice smile

We find ourselves standing out in this, posh place. I may have been mistaken. There is a chance that this is a posh. Restaurant. Not a pizza diner

Fuck sake

"Oh my god, Vance! Look, they have a chandelier? How fancy is this place?" He gasps in awe

This is definitely a restaurant

"It's alright", I drone "not my kind of place"

"You booked a seat didn't you? We have to speak to a waiter"

How does he know this shit?

"Good evening gentlemen, do you have a reservation with us?" A young kid, about my age in a suit and tie appears in-front of us, his hair freshly done, with gel. He also had his left ear pierced

He looks queer

"Oh, Tommy?" Bruce smiles as he shakes the guys hand " I didn't know you worked here?"

"Yes, thanks to your parents Bruce. Do thank them again for me" he cheers, flashing his perfect fucking teeth at him. Who does he think he is?

"And, um, who is this, gentleman." He inquired bluntly, I swear he looked me up and down.

"This is Vance," Bruce said in reply, "we're here on a. Visit." He corrected himself.

What was he going to say?

"I see, well, no need to check reservations. I'm sure you booked Bruce? Since you can. Afford it."

"What the fuck does that mean you fucking fairy?" I spit, earning a few looks from around the restaurant

"Vance!" Bruce warns, glaring at me

"I'm sorry? I didn't mean to offend you. I was simply enquiring. There is no need for that kind of language in here"

"I'm deeply sorry Tommy, we'll find a seat. Please, enjoy the rest of your shift,"

Bruce turned to look at me, I could see disappointment in his eyes. He gestured at me to follow him as he walked away

Wait a go Vance, totally didn't blow it

We find our seat near a corner of the restaurant. Bruce sits down at the opposite seat to me, refusing to meet my gaze

"Vance, you can't say those kinds of things to my acquaintances," he warns "my parents know his parents. The fact he's seen us together is bad enou-"

"Well I'm sorry I fucking embarrass you" I growl.
I get Brucey has his little reputation to uphold, but that ain't an excuse to let him speak to me like a was shit under his shoe

"Vance, you don't embarrass me?"

"That's what you were gonna say," I spit "you were gonna say that it's bad enough your posh little fairy friend saw us together, and that could ruin your little 'reputation'. Am I close there?"

He gives me a look of sympathy, tinged with anger

"No Vance. I didn't mean it like that." He starts

"Forget it, Yamada," I interrupt "you can be as secretive as you want. You can pretend you paid for this. You can pretend you are tutoring me. Whatever. I won't be spoke to like a fly hovering over shit. That 'mate' of yours is a little bitch and he spoke to me like a. Like a. Like a fucking disgrace."

He sits there, listening to what I have to say. He doesn't rely, or move. He just listens

"I might be completely opposite to you, okay? I get into fights, I constantly avoid school. I swear, I drink, I don't even have good grades! But that doesn't mean I ain't a fucking person, to be frowned at. You have this perfect fucking bubble, that you can't hack being popped. You're gonna have to wake up and look outside your little bubble. Life ain't sunshine and buttercups Yamada."

I start to feel red in the face as his face remains unchanged. He sits there, thinking.

Why isn't he saying something?

I consider leaving when I feel a hand on mine beneath our table. I look up to see a loving look in Bruce's eyes, a small smile on his lips.

"Vance," he begins "I'm not embarrassed by you. I care about you. A lot. All I meant was that I didn't want our dinner to be ruined by being kicked out. That's it. I have nothing against you or your behaviour. I think you are perfect, just the way you are"

No one's ever said that to me before

It feels


"Now, why don't you we order some pizza? Because I like pizza," he cheers, grabbing the menu from the stand in the table, his other hand still placed on mine

How did a guy like me get so lucky?

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