You are exactly like your father

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TW: homophobic language

Bruce POV

Thank god winter break is a few days away. It means we get a holiday for Christmas, although, my finale game of the season if tomorrow. That means only two things

1. My father will be watching my game

2. If I loose, I loose my place in the team

Ever since I've been dating Vance, I've gotten slack in attending my games. One of my teammates came to my door, slapping me in the face. He yelled at me and told me I needed to start putting in the effort, or else the coach would drop me

I'll admit, I forgot about baseball. I love the sport, but my father constantly pressing on the matter has made my passion for it wilted.

Deep down, I need to make sure to be constantly putting in the work. After all

Without baseball

I'm nothing

I roll over in my bed, breathing in the comforting smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon, smiling lovingly at the man next to me.

It been 2 months since me and Vance started dating, and it seemed that everyday, I loved him more and more. I wrapped my arms around his toned frame, kissing gently at his neck.

I watch him smile, his delicate eyes opening. He suddenly jolts up, pinning me down against my bed, his legs straddling my own. He placed his hands against my face, his eyes examining my skin, a look of admiration on his face. He giggled, lowering himself onto my chest, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I've never seen him this happy

He delicately placed his head on my chest, his arms wrapped warmly around me. I smile, his face buried into clothes, breathing in my scent. My arms once again gravitate to his muscular frame, wrapped warmly around his waist

"You seem in a good mood," I tease, running my fingers through those fluffy locks

"Had a good sleep. Nice dreams and shit." He replies, taking my hand with his own, placing delicate kisses on my knuckles

"Are you coming to watch my baseball game tonight?"

A feel a gaze stare at me from below, my eyes meeting the same pair of beautiful blue eyes I mourn to see everyday

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I'm gonna watch your game?" He laughs, propping his body up with his elbows. A pair of cherry lips meet my own, a sweet taste meeting my tongue.

It's sweet moments like this that make life all the more tolerable

The weight on top of me suddenly disappears, making its way towards my wardrobe. Vance open the doors, grabbing some clothes he had left the other week, pulling the shirt over his head

I slip out from under my blankets, making my way out of my room and to the bathroom. I do my usual routine in front of the mirror. Skin, hair, teeth, and then outfit. Pulling on my jeans, I slip out from the bathroom and back into my room

"What on earth are you doing in my house?!"


I stride through my door to meet the back of my fathers head, his fists clenched tightly, so much so his hands were dribbling with blood.

He looked furious

"Why is this faggot in my house Bruce?!" He screamed, his voice stern and loud

My eyes meet Vance's, his expression hurt. I can tell he was hurt

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