Let me guess, i'm your little nerd?

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Bruce POV

I hear the bell ring as I place my text books back in my bag. I had to pretend I fell over, and that's how I got a bruise on my face.

I'm still annoyed about that

I walk out of the classroom, making my way to my locker. I put my spare books in the locker, placing the lock back on the door

I unexpectedly feel a firm grip on my waist, the scent of cinnamon surrounding me.

"Vance, we are in school."

I turn around, Vance's face millimetres away from my own, his cherry lips level with my own.

"Come on Brucey, we have homework to do," he mocks, swaggering ahead of me. I follow slowly behind him, my bag in hand. I'm still unsure if I need to act like I'm scared of him. No one seems to be around.

I leave the school building, watching a head of blonde curls bounce around the corner. I follow cautiously behind, my bag by my side. I get to the wall as someone yanks my wrist

I'm suddenly pinned against the brick wall, my bag on the floor. I see a pair of beautiful blue eyes meet my own, a firm grip on my waist. Vance places another arm against the wall, pulling me closer to him.

"So Brucey. We are alone now" his words roll of his tongue, laced with impatience as he spoke. He pulled me closer to him, his tongue flicked against his bottom lip. A slight shimmer gleams, a small metal ball in his mouth

"Vance. Do you have a tongue piercing?" I ask. I've missed him before, I could have sworn he didn't have a tongue piercing.

"Yes? How did you not know?" He laughs, a warm smile on his lips. I shrug my shoulders, an unamused look on my face

"Brucey, you're still mad at me?" I inquired, his cocky expression disappearing

"Yes Vance. You punched me in the face. My beautiful skin," I complain, throwing my head back dramatically, pushing him away

"Brucey," he whines, following behind me

"You can make it up to me first." I smirk, folding my arms away from him

"Okayyyy" he groans, now stood next to me, "what can I do to make you forgive me?"

I think for a moment, an idea popping into my head

"You can let me have a turn on the pinball machine."

He stares at me, an emotionless expression on his face. I watch his brow furrow, walking closer to me.
"Bruce. Why the pinball machine?" He asks sternly

"If you actually care about me, you would let me have a turn," I pout, dramatically turning away

"Fine." He huffs, interlocking our fingers "we're taking the shortcut"

He pulls me outside the Grab and Go, the sign glowing a bright pink and green. He opens the door pulling us inside. I am immediately hit with a wave of noise, my ear drums aching. I pull my hands up to my ears, covering them. Vance looks at me, a mocking look on his face.

"It's not that loud," he shouts, gesturing towards the pinball machine

Keeping our hands connected, we walk over to the machine, any little kids moving out of our way. I stare at the "legendary pinball machine" in-front of me. The machine was big, about half my height. It has scratches and dents in it. Probably from Vance hitting it. The paint job was faded slightly, a splashed pattern of pink and blue covering it. I looked down slightly, eyeing the slot to play. It's 25 cents a turn.

"Okay, so," Vance begins "you put a quarter in, and pull this handle,"

He gestures towards a spring controlled lever, pulling it back and letting it go
"That's how the game starts. You pull it and the ball shoots off into the machine," he places his hands over mine, moving them to the side of the machine. He places my painting fingered against a pink button, pressing down slightly.

"These are the triggers, Brucey. It activates these flicky things. Stop the ball from falling." He moves beside me, placing a quarter into the slot. He pulls the spring lever, a small metal ball shooting into the machine. It hits a view obstacles before falling straight down towards the flickers. I press the button, hitting it away.

"Exactly Brucey. Don't let the ball fucking fall. It costs 25 cents a turn and I'm broke," he laughs, watching me play

I start to get the hang of it

After 3 turns

I feel a crowd start to form around me, Vance still beside me. I hear whispers behind me

"How is Vance letting Bruce use the pinball machine?"
"How has he not lost yet?"
"He's gonna best Vance's score!"

I glance up quickly, my score now 32000

Vance's high score is 40100

I feel someone stand closer to me, glancing over my shoulder.

"You got this Brucey!"

It was a girls voice

I glance behind me, seeing a girl from my English class. Leah Pappworth.

She placed a hand in my shoulder, massaging them with her thumbs. I start to feel slightly uncomfortable. I can feel Vance's glares burn through me. I carry on playing, her hands still on my shoulders.

My score hits 39000 as Leah places her arms around my waist, resting her chin on my shoulder

Vance is gonna kill someone

I pretend to miss the click, the ball falling to the bottom. The crowd boos me as they leave. Leah still has her arms around me

"That was great Brucey! You are amazing," her cheeks tint red as she smiles at me

Suddenly, a firm grip grabs my face, pulling me away from Leah. I feel a pair of soft lips against my own, firmly pressed against mine.


He snakes his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He growls into the kiss, refusing to let me go. I watch as he glared at Leah, tears in her eyes. He sinks her head in defeat, walking away from us. Vance pulls away from me, his arms still around my waist

"Vance, why did you do that?" I ask, my hands pressed against his chest.

"That bitch had her hands all over you! And you didn't move. So I helped you move." He complains, staring at the pinball machine

"You did good though. You're on the leaderboard," he points at my score, the 3rd score on the board.

"Look at my little nerd, already kicking ass at his boyfriends favourite games," he teases, resting his forehead against mine, a giggle escaping both our lips

"Let me guess, I'm your little nerd?" I laugh


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