You got a Metallica tattoo?

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Bruce POV

I kissed him

I actually kissed him

I tug on his shirt, holding his lips against my own. I refuse to let this moment end. I keep his lips connected to mine, sliding my hands in his hair

Soft as usual

he cups my face with his hands, deepening our kiss.

I swear I forgot how to breathe

We eventually parted, quickly trying to catch our breath.

"I've wanted to do that for a long fucking time," he breathes, a big stupid grin on his face

"I can't remember the last time I felt like this" I confess. I watch as that stupid grin widens, holding me closer to him.

"What now, Brucey?"

"I honestly don't know, Vance." I whisper, my forehead resting against his

I've never felt like this before. I've never been near or been with someone like this before. I don't have the faintest idea where to go from here.

Wow. Finally something I don't know.

"I don't even know what this means," I giggle, interlocking my fingers with his. He pulls my hand towards with lips, planting a small kiss against my bruised knuckle.

"This means you're stuck with me, Yamada. Wether you like it or not," he smiles, placing his face into the crook of my neck

"Oh no. How will I ever cope?" I tease, as we sway back and forth in unison. He giggles into my neck as I bury my face into his hair.

"Your hair is really soft," I comment lovingly. He wraps his arms around my waist, keeping his face in the crook of my neck.

"I think we should go to one of our houses. It's pretty fucking cold," he adds. I could feel his breath on my neck

"It's not that cold," I reply

"Are you kidding? It's fucking freezing. My fingers have gone numb," he places his hands on my face

"Get those ice blocks off of my face. My poor skin," I tease
"Seriously though, we should go home. We can go to my house because my parents are probably worried where I've gone," his smile drops slightly

"Okay, but I live in the opposite direction to you?"

"You can stay the night. Just don't let my parents know you're there,"

We walked for a while, our fingers interlocked, laughing and joking all the way.

He seems more comfortable with me than before

I guess that. Feeling barrier. Doesn't exist anymore

We eventually get to my neighbourhood, and we walk towards my house.

After some acrobatics and climbing, we manage to get through my window and into my room. Hopefully my parents don't realise I just got in

Vance POV

I've never actually look around Bruce's room before. It's completely different from mine. It's smaller, but like a cozy smaller. He has a few posters here and there.

He likes the same music as me

He has shelves upon shelves of trophies and certificates. He has medals, signed baseball shirts, hats and balls.

He must really love baseball

His bed is made, his room spotless. The complete opposite of mine. I have cloths on every inch of my floor. He has a desk, with a lamp, textbooks, pens and notepads. He has a basketball ring above his trash can too.

It's pretty simple, but it's Brucey, so it's amazing either way

"I'm just gonna get changed. Would you like to borrow some clothes?" He asks, walking towards his wardrobe

"Please. I should change shirts. This one fucking sucks"

He grabs a white shirt from his wardrobe, chucking it to me. I take of my jacket to put it on, but stop in my tracks

Bruce had taken his shirt off

And he's ripped

I forgot he was ripped

"By the way Vance, do you want your hoodie back?" He asks innocently, turning his torso towards me, his abs on display

How is he so ripped? He plays baseball. He doesn't work out

"Vance? Hello?" I break out of my trance to see Bruce smirking at me. He walks towards me, that smirk still on his face

"What's the matter Vance? Like what you see?"

"Fuck off," I grumble, looking towards the window

I suddenly feel a firm grip on my wrist. Bruce pulls my hand towards his torso, placing my hand on his abs.

"Have a feel Vancey, don't be shy," he teases, giving me a small wink

I pull my hand away instantly, slapping his arm in response

He laughs at me before putting a new shirt on. I remove my jacket and shirt, swapping them for the new one. I remove my belt and place it beside Bruce's bed.

The shirt doesn't fit me

I pull a hair tie from out of my Jean pockets, and gather my hair into a ponytail.

I usually tie my hair up when sleeping, to avoid it going flat

I usually tie my hair up when sleeping, to avoid it going flat

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I look over to see a flustered Bruce staring at me

"What? What are you looking at?"

"You" he states, sounding as though he had lost his breath

He walk over to me, placing a hand on my stomach, his finger tracing my tattoo

"You've got a Metallica Tattoo?" He asks, his eyes meeting mine

"Yeah. They have good music," I say, feeling a blush crawl up my neck

"What other tattoos do you have?" He inquires removing his hand from my stomach

"I have a few," I begin "the Metallica one on my stomach, this barbed wire heart over the right side of my chest, I have a few stars behind my ear. I also have one on my wri-

I need to shut up

"Where else? Wrist?" He asks

Fuck sake

"No, I misspoke," I say smoothly, attempting to avert his mind


That was close

Next time, I need to shit the fuck up

"Let's go to bed, I'm tired," he yawns, dragging his body over to his bed

I climb in next to him, leaving my leather bracelet on

I usually take it off, but I'm not alone this time

Bruce can't see that

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