A Simple Task - 1

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(Small TW: slightly nsfw and gore)

The bustling streets of Tokyo seemed to meet no end. It annoyed me. I preferred those who were deceased, as they didn't seem to be as chattery. Girls chattering about rumors and exes, men checking me out like a bunch of dogs in heat, and children yelling as their parents refused their silly requests. How deafening. To block out the noise, I placed earbuds into my ears and turned on some music, mentally noting my mission once more.

  I am to meet the CEO of the company at the further end of the train, where there would be a more comfortable looking area, along with a bar. Thankfully, the only people meant to be coming was him, two bodyguards and one other businessman. It should be a simple task. Simply go in, let him think he has a chance to get into my pants, and kill him at his most vulnerable. I'd done it before several times, this was no different, so why did I feel so odd about it? My thoughts were cut off by a sudden force to my forehead.

  "Oi. Watch where you're goin', love." A man with a British accent announced.

  Before I even got a moment to take in his features, he rushed right past me, with another man following him and giving him a scolding not to be rude.

  "Europeans..." I scoffed.


  I scanned my ticket, allowing myself through the gate to board the train, and immediately found who I was searching for. They stuck out like a sore thumb against the other men and women around them. Suits that seemed to be tailored just for them, expensive jewelry and horrible smelling cologne against the backdrop of a dirty train station with druggies and smokers all around. Without hesitation, I walked up to the group, putting on a facade of innocence.

  "Are you the ones I'm to be meeting..?" I asked, hiding my arms behind my back.

  The tallest of the men looked over towards me, straightening up his purple tie as he gave me a smile.

  "Satoyaka, right?" He said.

  "Yes. That's me."

  That was my name, to them anyway. I couldn't exactly let them know I was an assassin, to them, I was just some prostitute they hired for a good time.

"Come along then."

Judging by the descriptions I was given, the man talking to me right now was not the man I was after. I glanced at the other businessman with bleached hair and grey eyes with a snake tattoo around his left eye. He was the one. I gave him a small smile before entering the train, as the others followed. The room looked awfully nice, it was a shame I'd have to ruin it. Perhaps I'd kill him in the bathroom instead. I sat down at a circular booth, right in the middle, as the boy with bleached hair sat next to me. The other man decided to pour some alcohol as the guards stood at the door, even after it had closed.

  For a long while, nothing really struck me as interesting, I just sat there awkwardly as they got drunk. It seemed less of a business meeting and more of a party, but that was no concern to me.

  After a few more drinks, there were hands all over me, around my shoulder, grabbing my thighs and waist and caressing my face with their rough hands. As annoying as it was, it was all part of the job. It was a little creepy being watched by the body guards as all of this went down, but I suppose there was no way they could leave unless demanded to.

  The bleached haired male roughly slipped his hand up my skirt, as the tall one unbuttoned my dress. Although I had to pretend to be enjoying myself, I had never wanted to throw up more. The only thing from keeping me naked was my transparent undershirt, and the small amount of armor I wore. Thankfully, the men were too drunk to take that to mind, and just continued trying to have their way with me.

"C-Can... we do this somewhere a bit more... private?" I asked, putting on my pokerface once more.

"Of... hic! Of course!" The snake boy said, grabbing my arm and pulling us out of the booth.

"Hey! What about me?!" The taller man called out, clearly annoyed.

"You'll get your turn. I'm the one that payed, so I go first!" He demanded.

Snake boy dragged me into the bathroom nearby, and locked the door behind him.

"Geez... 'Could've at least given me a show..." The tall man sulked.

Immediately, he had me pinned up against the sink, which was uncomfortable, to say the least. I quickly unbundled my bun, letting the ribbon fall to the floor, as well as my tessen. He immediately began to attack my neck, which sparked nothing inside of me whatsoever. Hickeys from a businessman? Such a turnoff.

He stuck one hand up my skirt, playing with my ass, as his other hand grabbed my breast in a very painful manner, making me want to punch him on the spot, but I knew I had to wait a few more seconds. I glanced down at the floor at where the tessen lay. Thankfully, it was just within reach to grab my with my heel. I kicked it up and it landed right in my hand, causing the man to pause.

"Sorry... I just didn't want it to get dirty." I lied.

He didn't reply, and instead removed my transparent shirt I was wearing, leaving me in a bra. I took a long breath as he bit at my chest. I was ready now.

I unfolded the tessen, revealing all of its sharp daggers, and plunged it into the back of the man, muffling his screams with my palm. As I removed the tessen, blood shot down the walls, which was a nice contrast from the cool grays and whites. Grabbing him by the neck with my other hand, I threw him up against the toilet, causing him to sit down as I kneed him in his privates.

"Now... be a good boy for me and don't make a sound." I smiled menacingly.

He shook his head violently in a panic, as I kept his mouth covered by the grip of my hand.

What i didn't suspect, was for him to grab me by my hair and drag me into his chest, as he attempted to suffocate me. I retaliated by digging my sharp nails into his arm, causing him to flinch.

"I... wanted to make this painless, but it seems you had other ideas..!"

I threw my head back, launching my hand forward and lodging my tessen straight into his neck. He tried to scream, but all that game out were gurgles as blood leaked from his lips and neck. I dislodged the tessen before slitting it down the center of his face. Blood leaked from every wound, staining my body in dark red.

Knowing I couldn't just leave, the only thing I could think to do is kill the rest of them. Not that I had a problem with that, of course. Slowly, I opened the bathroom door, revealing myself to be covered in blood. Immediately, the guards pulled the guns from their waists and started shooting, with horrible aim, I must add. I dove to the floor, grabbing one of the stools that sat at the bar and throwing it at one of the guards, keeping him immobilized for a moment, by that time, I had already mounted a guard and plunged my tessen deep into his skull. My ears twitched at the sudden gunfire from behind me, coming from the tall man. Without getting up completely, I grabbed a bottle of vodka from the bar and threw it directly at his head, as it made contact, his body fell and went limp, now drenched in vodka. As I was tackled from behind by the other guard, I grabbed a piece of stray glass from the vodka bottle, and stabbed it into his hand. He grunted as I kicked him off of me, stabbing him three times in the throat with the glass until i was satisfied. Slowly standing up, I walked over to the tall man and slit his throat with the same piece of glass, just to make sure he was dead.

"Haah... shit. I made a mess..." I groaned, sitting up as I caught my breath.

I returned to the bathroom, quickly wetting my handkerchief and wiping the blood from my practically bare body. Thankfully, it came off with little to no issues. Putting back on my clothes was no issue, either. I put my hair back up in its usual bun and stuffed the tessen back into it, not caring to clean it off. Finally, I looked at the body once more, spitting towards it before leaving the room. I poured myself a shot, swigged it down, and left the car for good.

I'd say it was a job well done.

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