Lots of White Deaths - 5

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Tangerine practically dragged me back to where we were previously sitting. As we entered the car, Lemon entered on the other side of it and we both met in the middle. Their escort must've fallen asleep while he waited for us to return.

"Wakey-Wakey." Tangerine said, grabbing the escort by the shoulder and shaking him.

His head flopped to the other side, and we found that he was not sleeping, but had rather been killed by someone. Blood dripped down from his lifeless eyes and his slightly agape mouth.

"Gross." I grimaced.

Lemon and Tangerine both looked at each other, and then me.

"No I didn't kill your escort. He looks like he's been poisoned, see. I'd never do something so bland." I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

"Ahh. Guess so." Lemon sighed.

"Great. Fucking fantastic. We lost the briefcase and now his fucking son's dead!" Tangerine groaned, rubbing his temple.

"It's a shame really. First his wife, now his son. That's a lot of white deaths." Lemon said under his breath to which I laughed.

"Well. First thing's first, we gotta figure out a way to cover this up." Tangerine said.

Lemon pulled something out of his pocket. It looked like.. a pair of Momomon sunglasses.

"Are you serious..?" Tangerine sighed.

"Yes I am." Lemon replied, putting the glasses on the lifeless escort and putting up his hood before resting his head on the window.

"Easy as that." He said, patting his hands on his jacket.

"So... what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well. We find the briefcase and somehow convince the White Death that we have an alive son instead of a dead one." Tangerine groaned.

"I'm assuming whoever stole the briefcase was the one who poisoned him, right?" I asked.

"Most likely." Tangerine said.

Tangerine put his fist to his chin as he thought, before sighing aloud.

"Okay. Let's split up again and go opposite ways. Call me if anything happens." He said, holding up his phone.

"Right. Right." Lemon said, turning away from us and waving as he walked away.

"Yay. Round two." I said sarcastically.

Tangerine walked down the aisles, looking all over the place and distrusting everything he came upon. The way he walked so fast and held ahold of my wrist so tightly annoyed me.

"You can let go of me now." I growled.

"And let you run away? I don't think so."

"For fuck's sake...! I'm not going anywhere!" I yelled, causing a few people to look at us.

"Haah. You're really gettin' on my tits here, Love." Tangerine said, furrowing his brows.

I didn't say a word, until he finally sighed and let go of my wrist. I rubbed it with my other hand, letting out a slight sigh from the pain. He looked down at me, almost like he was sorry for a moment, before his face went back to the usual smugness.

We walked all of the way to the end of the car, finding nothing of interest. Which made me worry for Lemon a little. He stopped at the very last car. The car I had done my job in.

"Ahh. Maybe we should go back. I'm a little worried about Lemon!" I said nervously.

"We can't say he's not down this half if we haven't checked everywhere." He said as the door opened.

I reluctantly looked out from behind Tangerine, only to find that there was no bloody mess.

"Eh?" I questioned.

"Something wrong?" Tangerine asked.

"I...uh. It's nothing." I chuckled.

Tangerine hummed and walked into the room. Finding nothing of interest but a guy taking a nap. I wondered if he was the one who cleaned up everything, and if so, was it really such a good idea to just let him live? I kneeled down at the sleeping man's side to find that he was not asleep, but rather dead.

"Tang." I said.

"Tsk. Did you seriously just call me 'Tang'?" He chuckled.

"This guy's dead." I pointed at the man dressed in white from head to toe, ignoring Tangerine's previous question.

"Oh well." He shrugged.


"Doesn't have anything to do with us, does he?" Tangerine asked.

"That's true." I said, rubbing my neck in slight embarrassment.

"Looks like the restroom is empty." He continued.

"What kind of clues do you think we're gonna find in a god damn bathroom." I groaned, standing up next to him.

"Only one way to find out." He said before opening the door.

Five bodies came spilling out of the bathroom once he opened it, and behind them, the walls were all still stained in red. I guess that whoever cleaned this up didn't expect someone to go into the bathroom.

"Ew! I got blood on my heels!" I complained, even though they were already bright red.

Tangerine stared at the men who had been shredded apart by several sharp weapons, and noticed how it was different than how his escort had been killed.

"Great... we have to killers running around this train now." Tangerine said angrily.

"Pfft! Ahahaha!" I broke out laughing.

"What's so funny, Love?" Tangerine asked.

"Your face was priceless! Don't worry Tang! These are my victims!" I smiled, proud of my work.

"You... killed all of those guys by yourself?" He questioned.

"What'cha trying to say? Don't judge a book by its cover!" I chuckled, patting Tangerine softly on his cheek.

"Oh yes! This reminds me! Are you gonna give me back my tessen soon?" I asked impatiently.

He took the tessen out of his pocket and observed it, debating whether or not he should hand it over.

"Pleaaase! Think about it, I've had plenty of chances to kill you now, and I haven't!"

I gave him the most innocent yet sultry look I could manage. My face was so close to his chest that I could practically feel the heat radiating off of it.

"Haah. You win." He said, handing me the tessen.

I gladly took it and tucked it back in my ponytail.

"Thanks Tang!"

For the first time in a while, I smiled genuinely. It wasn't forced. It wasn't a trick or a mask I wore. Why in such a grim situation? I didn't know. Was it because of Tangerine? Quite possibly, but I didn't want to believe it.

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