It's Deeper Than you Think - 6

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"Let's get back. Theres a good chance things aren't so fortunate on Lemon's end." Tangerine said in an almost nervous tone.

I noticed throughout my time spent with the twins that they cared for each other very much. It was understandable, knowing their job, its safe to assume they've been through hell and back together.

"You comin', Love? Or are you just gonna stand there and stare off into fuck all." He asked, knocking me out of my train of thought.

"Oh. Sorry, I was just lost in thought." I smiled, embarrassed.

"Come on, then." He turned his back to me and started walking.

How did I only just notice he had such a nice walk?

I was surprised that he was allowing me to walk freely, of course I had no plan in running away, I was too far into this now, but he seemed to warm up to me surprisingly quickly. I guess my charm even works on my own coworkers.

"L-Lemon!" I gasped, seeing his face laying straight down on the table. Blood ran from his nose and onto the cold gray table beneath him.

"He's just passed out." Tangerine said.

"Who would do something like that to sweet little Lemon?" I sighed, sitting down on the opposite end of the table.

"Wakey-wakey..." Tangerine said, gently slapping Lemon's cheek at first.

"Haah. What a pain in the arse." He sighed before slapping Lemon way harder.

Lemon awoke, jerked up and slapped him right back.

"Oh.. it's just you." Lemon gasped.

"Who else were you expecting?" Tangerine sighed, making Lemon scoot over so he could sit down.

"It's a little complicated," He sighed,"But I found our guy, and figured out something."

"Figured out what, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked curiously.

"Well... he admitted to stealing the briefcase, which he, of course, no longer has. But on the other hand, he didn't kill our escort. I'm certain of that." He said.

"Whaddaya mean he doesn't have it?!" Tangerine shouted, getting looks from a few different people.

"He said he left it in some bar looking area in a trashcan."

Tangerine and I immediately exchanged glances.

"You're... sure you looked everywhere, Tang...?" I asked nervously.

"Yes. I'm sure, which means that bastard was lying to you." Tangerine groaned.

"You know how good I am at reading people. That guy wasn't lying, I'm sure of it." Lemon retaliated.

"Perhaps there's another force at play here." I thought aloud, putting my fist to my chin.

Tangerine and Lemon both turned to me at the same time, the taller brother about to refute before I put a finger up to his mouth.

"Listen to me, just for a moment. It's only a theory, but think about it." I began, pushing locks of blue hair out of my face.

"We have the two of you, this briefcase burglar, the men that I already took care of, your escort, myself, and potentially that dead guy we found in the bar. I'd say theres a fair chance that there could be someone pulling strings. Something deeper is going on here, that I know for certain." I said in a serious tone, glaring up at the two boys as I played with the pearl that hung off of my eyepatch.

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now