The Search - 7

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(I added an image at the top of one of my many sketches of Cherry. I know I've described her but I've never really shown any pictures of her. Thank you for reading my story, and I hope you're enjoying it. 💖)

  "So... what do we do now?" I asked, stretching my arms above my head as I attempted to crack my back, seeking relief from the uncomfortable chairs.

"Find that bastard as soon as possible, that's what." Tangerine answered.

"So what do we do when we find him?" I continued, irritating him further than he usually was.

"You ask too many questions, especially ones you already know the answer to." He groaned.

I gave him a smirk as a small huff escaped my lips. We just stared at each other for a few moments, and I refused to break eye contact until he did. After a few silent seconds that seemed to last an eternity, he let out a sigh, and turned his eyes back to his surroundings. Lemon let out a short cough to ease the awkward tension between the three of us, and eventually Tangerine stood up into the aisle, cracking his knuckles as he did so.

"I get to go too, right? I wanna get in on some action." I asked, sighing out of boredom.

"Haah. I suppose." Tangerine sighed in return.

I climbed out of my seat and stood behind him. Stretching my hands above my head once again.

"Now then, I want you to go look for that briefcase, and if you come across that bastard again... well, you know what to do." Tangerine said, pointing at his twin as he too stood out of the aisle.

"Shoot 'em in the fuckin' face?" He asked.

"Shoot 'em in the fuckin' face." Tangerine agreed with a lopsided smile.

I smiled at the two's relationship. I too had a brother, but it's been ages since I've seen him. Hell, he could be dead for all I know.

I walked towards the end of the car and Tangerine shortly followed, pausing before we continued our journey into the next car over.

"And Lemon," The brown haired man called out to his twin,"Be careful."

As we left the car we resided in, I felt a pit in my stomach beginning to form. Like something horrible was about to happen, but I couldn't place my finger on what.

"Everything alright back there?" He questioned, noticing how I seemed to be lost in thought.

"Me? Yeah." I confirmed, slightly confused over his worry for me.

We walked through the next car without saying much of anything, but when Tangerine tried to open the door to continue on, it wouldn't budge.

"Ugh. Damn door is stuck." He complained, looking around for the source of the issue.

Quickly he found it, a golf club nudged between the door, and peering through the glass he could see several packages stacked on the other side of the door.

"I swear to god when I meet this fuckin' bastard..." He sighed turning around as his eyes locked on a Momomon plushie in the hands of a sleeping child.

"D-Don't you dare!" I whisper-shouted to the british man, who had already made his move to take the doll from her hands.

"You're so shameless!" I said, punching him in the arm softly as he continued to ignore me.

I watched in horror as he shoved his pistol into the poor plush's rectum, setting it off against the door and sending fluff flying in all directions before falling lifelessly to the floor. On the bright side, the door did indeed open.

As soon as the door opened, he crossed through, walking faster than he had before. I struggled to keep up with him, being significantly shorter didn't come with many positives.

"Would you slow down?!" I shouted at him, earning a few unwanted looks but I couldn't care less.

He looked over his shoulder at me and sighed, slowing down just a little, but enough that I was able to keep up.

After walking a little more Tangerine suddenly paused, and put his hand out so I would stop walking too.

His eyes were glued on a man reading his book who was wearing a tan bucket hat and the same green jumpsuit that the guy we we're looking for was wearing. Quietly, Tangerine slipped his pistol up against the side of his head.

"Game's up, arsehole. Now give me that fuckin' case." He whispered in a demanding tone to the man. That tone of voice suited him, and I tried as hard as I could to make myself believe I didn't like it.

"Wh-What-?!" The man turned his head towards us revealing that he wasn't even close to the man we thought he was. I leaned my head further down to get a better look.

"I-Is this the sex stuff...?" He asked, still slightly panicked as he visibly swallowed.

"Huh...?" I replied, just as confused as he was.

With no time to explain, fire crackers went off from behind us, and we saw the real man we were after go running.

"Hah! Found you!" I cheered, excited that I finally had some prey to play with for a while.

"God dammit...!" Tangerine groaned aloud, quickly following me.

Meanwhile the poor innocent man just sat there, extremely confused at what he had gotten himself into when he allowed himself to put on that other guy's clothes.

"Haha... funny story." I smiled awkwardly, catching my breath as I looked at Tangerine guiltily.

"You lost him, didn't you...?" He asked, rubbing his temple out of irritation.

"W-Well I wouldn't say that I... yeah, I lost him." I sighed heavily.

"Great. We were so fuckin' close and now we're back to square one." He complained.

"Not exactly." I said, stepping closer to him in case our friend was listening in.

Tangerine gulped at me suddenly invading his space, my subtly sweet floral scent intertwining with his scent of whiskey and expensive cigarettes. Standing up on my tippy toes, I whispered to him.

"He took Lemon's phone, remember?" I asked.

"Huh...? Yeah." He replied.

"Go ahead and track him. If we're lucky he'll still have it." I smiled before retreating, despite wanting to stay close a little longer.

"Hey. Not half bad, Love." He smirked, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

He stood in silence for a moment before a small hum left his lips.

"Says he's in a restroom." He said blankly.

"Well let's go then!" I smiled, nudging him forward.

He furrowed his eyebrows, but went with it anyway, watching his phone intently while also making sure he didn't run into anyone or anything. I followed behind him, humming to myself.

"He should be right here." Tangerine whispered under his breath.

I knocked on the door without hesitation.

"Look lady, I told you it's occupied!" A rough sounding voice said, muffled through the doorway.

I gave Tangerine a look of confusion, before he took over, and knocked on the door a hell of a lot harder.

There was a sigh on the other side, and the door sign suddenly changed from occupied to unoccupied. Tangerine pushed me back behind him, as if he was worried about my safety, even though we were in the same brutal line of work.

He opened the door, peaking his head out of it to be met by Tangerine holding up the tracker.

"Well, that's a neat trick..!"

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now