Derailed - 15

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(Hey guys. I want to apologize for being away for so long. There's been a lot going on in my life all summer, but things are calming down to the point where I can hopefully be more active. Again, I'm sosososososo sorry for the inconvenience and I'll try my best to make sure it doesn't happen again! ❤️)

  I grit my teeth together as I picked up one of the men's guns from the ground, aiming it at his head and shooting him.


  I took a brief moment to look down at where the bullet had made contact. Thankfully, it didn't go through my leg, but it still did leave enough of a gash in my skin to cause a lot of bleeding. I didn't have time to deal with it, but I needed to at some point real soon. The wound in my stomach had opened up again, and I was losing plenty of blood from that alone.

"Are you okay?!" I heard Tangerine yell.

"Yeah!" I lied.

I didn't want him to have to worry about anything else than fighting. Besides, as long as my arms are working, I'll be able to hold my own just fine.

I was able to keep my balance enough to get back into combat, but I could no longer kick. Instead, I resulted in tripping them or knocking them off their feet.

On Tangerine's end, things were going smoothly, almost a little too smoothly. It made him feel uneasy. He tried to keep an eye on me at the same time, and I noticed him taking glances in my direction between gunfire and the breaking of necks.

Suddenly, the train began to jerk around continuously. I wasn't able to keep my balance with all of the movement, so I fell back into the seat behind me and kicked my current opponent in the stomach. He fell back for enough time that I was able to regain balance and pin him to the wall behind him and slit his throat. Then there was another, who I quickly took out by swinging my arm around and lodging my tessen into his throat as well.

"Goddamn.. what is he doing up there..?" I whispered to myself with a groan.

  A quick glance at Tangerine proved that he was wondering the same thing. I could tell he was worried for Lemon, as well as not making it out alive. There seemed to be no end to these men. They came out of nowhere and struck like lightning. Thankfully, we were able to strike back just as hard, for a while anyway. I was getting slower, sloppier. Tangerine too, although not nearly as much as me.

  "You holdin' up alright, Love?!" I heard him shout between exasperated breaths of air.

  "As best as I can..!" I replied, fending off the masked men with kicks and digging my tessen into them at any chance I got.

  The shaking of the train just got worse, and worse. There was a loud bang and a sudden change in speed. I fell back into the chairs behind me when I heard the shrieking of metal against metal. Taking a quick glance out the window, it looked and felt like we had crashed into something. Not even a second later does the train itself begin to fall apart.

Despite this, I tried my hardest to keep them away. They were thinning out, slowly but surely. Thankfully, the train's disheveled state gave me a bit of an advantage.

  The train had a huge gash in its wall, allowing the morning daylight to glare through and obstruct a few of the men's visions. I took the moment to charge.

  I struck first with a punch to the gut, and in the seconds it took for him to recover, I had already lodged my tessen into his chest. He stumbled back with a pained groan. I turned to the next man, but slightly too late. He grabbed me by the hair and punched me straight in the face. I groaned in both pain and annoyance, pulling him off of me and pushing him out of the hole in the train.

  Luckily enough, I was able to take a quick breather before one of the guys I had knocked out began to get back up. He took his knife and attempted to plunge it into my leg, but I moved at just the right moment. The amount of force he put into his attack led him to get his knife jammed in the seat. He quickly attempted to pull it out, but after I stomped down on his wrist, he had nothing better to do than accept his fate.

  After letting his bloodied body fall to the floor, I looked down at the heel I used to stomp down on him.

  "Hm.. these heels are sturdier than I thought." I thought aloud.

  A pained growl took me out of my train of thought. Turning around, I realized that Tangerine was struggling. His gun had been knocked from his hands, and he was rammed in the head. Since they were wearing masks, it hurt even worse than it normally would. Blood ran down his nose as he glared back at his opponent. He was about to attack him, but had no way to.

  "Tangerine! Here!" I shouted, grabbing his attention.

  I threw the tessen to him, and he caught it as if it was the easiest thing in the world. He didn't waste a moment shoving it into the other's chest.

  Both of us stood there shakily, waiting in anticipation for the next one to come running in., but that moment seemed to never come.

  "You alright?" Tangerine asked between deep breaths.

"Been better," I sighed,"But I'll make it... hopefully."

  "There's no 'hopefully'. You're gonna be just fine." He said.

  The way he said that made my heart skip a beat. I was waiting for a snarky remark to follow, but he didn't add one. He just stared down at me with a sincere look in his eyes. He was going to do anything he could to make sure that Lemon, him and I all made it out in one piece. I could tell.

  Our conversation was cut short by a voice that sounded like it belonged to Ladybug. He yelled to get down as the ride got even bumpier. If I were to guess, I doubt this train will stay on the tracks much longer. 

Tangerine could tell we were seconds away from crashing. He would most likely survive it, but with the shape I was in, my chances were substantially lower. He realized this, and his body seemed to move on its own.

  "Cherry!" I heard Tangerine call out, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me to him.

  He wrapped his arms tightly around my stomach, letting me use him to cushion any impact. I was confused by him doing this. It seemed completely out of character for him, but I didn't have much time to think about it, because the train had derailed. There was nothing either of us could do other than hold on to one another and hope for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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