I Won't Let You Die - 10

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  Tangerine slammed his fist against the glass, still struggling to get inside as the wind pushed against him. He screamed in anger, getting frustrated when the glass didn't crack. He remembered Lemon on the train, and how he'd probably die without his brother's protection. He could have been dying right now for all he knew. Knowing that only made his punches stronger, and the glass began to crack. Then he thought about Cherry, and how Ladybug was with her right now. He didn't trust him for a second to be around her. Rather she had cared about him being pushed off the train or not, he still couldn't help but care about her.

  With that the glass began to crack even more. He punched again, then again, and again before he rammed his head into it, breaking the glass and causing him to fall into the train. He laid there, his chest heaving as he groaned from the pain in his forehead. Once he remembered Lemon and Cherry, he immediately knocked himself out of his trance, and stood up. His eyebrows furrowed as he began to walk, blood running from the wound on his head and several other stray scratches.

  After several empty cars, he found himself about to cross through where he had been kicked off when he saw locks of messy blue hair through the door window. In a panic, he ran through the door and found Cherry laying on the floor, her head propped up against the wall as it bled a little.

  "Cherry... Cherry!" He shouted, shaking her by the shoulder.


  As the ringing in my ears slowly began to dissipate, I could hear someone calling out my name. It was subtle at first, but I quickly realized that it was Tangerine.

  I groaned as my eye slowly opened, seeing Tangerine, who was a sweaty mess. His collar shirt was undone enough to reveal his golden pendant, and a few scratches, hair disheveled and fighting against the gel. I looked into his eyes and noticed how he genuinely looked as if he were worried for me. I'd hope so. I didn't take a beating just for him to walk past my body.

  "Thank god... you had me for a minute there, Love." He sighed in relief.

  I turned my head to get a better look at him and was immediately met with a sharp pain. I winced, rubbing it to relieve the pain.

  "Fucking asshole..." I complained.

  "What exactly happened?" Tangerine asked in a softer tone. A side that I had never seen of him until now.

  "Almost choked out that asshole... nearly had him too, and then he rammed my own tessen up against my neck." I complained.

  "Seems like a little more happened than just that, Love."

  He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and leaned forward, gently dabbing the area on my head where I had been bleeding.

  My face lit up as he did so, his face was so close to mine that I figured I could probably kiss him. Thankfully, he was too focused on my head to notice as my eyes trailed down to his lips, before I squeezed my eye shut.

  It's just from the blood loss. That's it.

  He stood back up and offered me his hand, which I took. I didn't know why he was being so nice all of the sudden, and I don't think he really knew either.

  "We should get going. Lemon might be in trouble." He said, beginning to walk as I followed.


  The two of us were practically running towards the other end of the train, worried about what we might find there. Tangerine suddenly stopped when he saw fresh water seeping into the carpet of the aisle, an empty bottle of water that looked the same as Lemon's laying onto the floor next to it.

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now