Working Together - 13

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"So what's the big fuckin' idea, trying to kill my bro like that?!" Lemon yelled out of nowhere, making me take a deep breath.

I was irritated enough from the lack of sleep and uncomfortable pains that littered my entire body. The last thing I needed was to listen to a bunch of trigger happy assholes fight.

"I wasn't trying to kill him!" Ladybug retorted.

"Yeah?! Well that's sure as fuck not what I've been told!"

"Guys, that's enough." I said, tapping my finger on the table I sat on impatiently.

I heard Tangerine let out an angered groan under his breath, making my irritation heighten as he joined the fight.

"Yeah, well you've sure done a whole fuckin' lot! 'Bout got me killed twice and pushed me out of the fuckin' train! And don't even get me started on the shit you did to Cherry!" He snapped, standing up and giving him a menacing look.

"I was doing what I had to! I don't wanna die as much as the next person!" He retorted.

"I don't give a shit what you felt you HAD to do!"

"Calm down..!" I said in a slightly louder tone. Still, my voice landed on deaf ears as they continued to yell at one another.

"What about me then? You shot me!" The younger man replied, pointing at Lemon with an angered expression.

"When you point at someone, there are four fingers pointing back at you!" Ladybug announced in an attempt to calm everyone down.

"Oh... huh. It's three actually." He realized.

This man is a complete imbecile.

"I'm gettin' sick and tired of your bullshit!" Tangerine growled, retrieving his gun from his hip.

"Woah dude! Calm down!" Ladybug shouted and began to throw rolls of bandages in his direction, accidentally hitting me in the head instead.

The silence was short lived, and everyone quickly began screaming at one another. So much noise, so many voices that I couldn't even tell what a single one was saying. Anger was quickly blooming in my chest, spreading through my veins and lighting my body ablaze.

"Would all of you shut the fuck up?!" I screamed over top of the rest of them, causing them to stop and look at me guiltily.

"I get it! You're all pissed. I'm fuckin' pissed too! But if we keep fighting like this, there's not gonna be a tomorrow for any one of us!" I continued.

"But he shot you-" Tangerine began, but got cut off with a kick in the chest. Hard enough to knock his words out, but gentle enough that I didn't actually hurt him.

"Now, can we all just call a truce for a while? I don't mean to be rude but you're all getting on my fucking nerves." I suggested with a sigh.

"She is right." The elder agreed.

After a moment of silence, everyone reluctantly agreed.

"So... anyone got a plan? We'll be at Kyoto any moment now, so we better act fast." I began.

  "The White Death has no idea that I am on this train," the old man began,"My son and I will deal with it. As for the rest of you, find a way off of this train."

  Was this guy insane? No matter his background, him and his injured son stand no chance against the White Death and his minions. God knows how many of them are even there.

  "Do you have a death wish or something?" I replied.

  "Yeah... plus, somethin' tells me this guy's not about to let us just waltz on out of here." Ladybug shrugged.

  The old man looked around at all of us before sighing with a nod.

  "Anyone got a plan?" Tangerine asked impatiently.

  "Well... we need a distraction, and someone to drive." I thought aloud.

  "The rest of us should stay on the train and fight back if necessary." The younger man spoke in a raspy voice, continuing to patch up his wound.

  "I'll drive." Lemon offered, standing up.

  I nodded, figuring that since he talked about trains so much, he would be decent enough at driving one.

  "Cherry and I will fend 'em off." Tangerine said, really just wanting to make sure nothing else happened to his brother.

  "I will be here, waiting for the White Death." The old man said as he nodded.

  "Well then, that settles that." I agreed.

  "What are you gonna do, Scruffy?" Lemon asked, looking towards Ladybug.

"I'm gonna buy us some time." He said as he finished pulling his hair up and out of his face.

"We should arrive at Kyoto any minute now." The younger man murmured.

I wrapped another layer of bandages around my lower stomach, making it as tight as I could. I wanted to make sure I could at least prevent any major blood loss. I would not be surprised in the slightest if my wound broke open while executing this plan. But I wasn't ready to die, especially since I met the twins.

My adrenaline kicked in as I felt the train beginning to slow down.

"Alright, we need to get moving." Tangerine said, holding me steady as I hopped down from where I sat.

Lemon took the lead as he and I followed. I was able to walk a hell of a lot better than I had when I first woke up, so I didn't have to rely on grabbing Tangerine's arm anymore. Although it did almost disappoint me for whatever the reason. I took my tessen from my ponytail, dragging my finger down one of the blades impatiently. Tangerine stopped, making me stop too.

"Alright. Keep your arse safe up there, and if you need help just holler." Tangerine said.

"Yeah, I'll be safe, bruv." Lemon replied.

"Yeah, you better fuckin' be."

Lemon rolled his eyes playfully and walked off towards the control area of the train, leaving the two of us alone.

"You sure you're gonna be able to handle this?" He asked, slightly worried.

"I'll be fine." I nodded, although I was worried myself.

My thoughts were cut short when I heard footsteps behind us. When I turned around, I saw them.

Men in suits, wearing hannya masks that only covered the bottom halves of their faces. All of them held weapons of different varieties. Guns, combat bats, katanas and several other types of blunt force weapons. There was no doubt about it, these were the White Death's men.

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now