Final Showdown - 14

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(Hi guys! I wanna apologize for not writing in such a long while. School was kinda getting in the way, but now that it's summer, you can expect a lot more chapters to be coming out. Thanks 💖)

"Put down your weapons and get on the ground." One demanded in a deep voice.

I glanced at Tangerine, our eyes making contact for a moment. He huffed, kneeling down on the ground and placing his gun on the floor in front of him. I followed, laying my tessen down before I began to speak.

"So you're the White Death's guys? Gotta say... I was expecting something a little more menacing." I teased.

The one at the front of the group glared down at me, his grip on his machete tightening in annoyance.

If I knew anything about the White Death, it was that he wasn't about to let a single one of us off the hook. In fact, he probably ordered his men to have us all killed. There was no reason he needed us to be alive.

  "So you're gonna kill us, just like that? What if the White Death wants a word?" Tangerine asked, trying to buy some time.

  "What reason would he need to talk with you?" He replied.

  "Well... I am the one who was supposed to escort his son... and the ransom money here, aren't I?"

  A huff left the mans lips, glancing to the two men behind him before he finally caved.

  "Fine. Get up, then."

  Tangerine stood up, and I followed, only for him to hit me in the gut with the blunt end of his machete. I stumbled back with a cough.

  "Not you. You're staying here." He sternly said.

  "Fair enough..." I sighed, making eye contact with Tangerine for a moment.

  My eyes narrowed as one of the men pulled his gun from his waist, pointing it directly at my head.

  Any second now.

  Tangerine flexed his fingers at his side, waiting for the perfect moment. The longer he waited, the less suspicious the men would become. Admittedly, I was worried about the gun pointed straight at my forehead. By the look in Tangerine's eyes, I could tell he was planning something, yet I couldn't exactly tell what.

  My questions were answered when he suddenly brought up his fist, punching the man with the machete in the chin and pulling the other man's arm away from me and towards another man. The sudden movements caused him to pull the trigger, shooting his peer in the stomach.

  He was hit before he had the chance to recover, so I took the opportunity to take initiative. I charged towards them, unfolding my tessen and digging it into a man's chest. I felt someone grab my shoulder from behind and retaliated by sending my elbow into their stomach. The impact caused them to stumble for just a moment, but long enough that I had the time to sink my tessen into their neck.

I panicked when I heard a gun go off. The man I had previously attacked fell limp as I quickly looked over to see that Tangerine was the one that set off the gun. A sigh of relief left my lips, but a grunt quickly replaced it when I was knocked back by a kick to the stomach. The movements I made along with the sudden force to my bullet wound made it hard to ignore the pain. Thankfully, Tangerine was able to shoot him before he was able to deal any more blows.

"You okay?" He asked, chest still heaving.

"I'll live." I groaned, trying to catch my breath as well.

I didn't bother wiping any of the blood off of me, knowing that this was just the beginning to a long, drawn out fight. For the most part, the men that we had faced so far were not much of a challenge, but having so many come after you at once made it hard to stay on your feet.

Both of us jumped as a bullet came whirling between the two of us, inches away from our faces.

"Haah.. can't I ever get a break?" I complained.

Tangerine quickly shot back. Once in the arm and again in the chest.

For some odd reason, the way that Tangerine shot his gun without a care in the world made my heart flutter. It made me feel a bit safer, in an odd way.

With a sudden jerk, the train began to move again. I sighed in relief, a smile making its way to my face. However, it quickly faded when I heard a sound from behind us. Just in the nick of time, because one of their guns went off, aimed at Tangerine's back. I kicked him in the side, making him stumble away from the bullet's path. He began to curse at me, but I was far too busy killing the men to take notice.

  Tangerine realized that they were coming from either ends of the car, completely surrounding them. He tried to deny it, but he was panicking deep down. What if one of them had made their way to Lemon?

  More and more seemed to keep coming, but I still stood my ground, at least for a bit. One ran at me, but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it til he groaned in pain, dragging him to me and using him as a shield against his peer's bullets. After I was finished with him, I pushed him to another guard and made them both fall to the floor. From there, it was just a few swings of my tessen, and they were all laying around me. My chest heaved as I snapped back around to make sure Tangerine was still okay, he seemed to be handling himself just fine. I, on the other hand, was starting to crumble. The pressure on my wound was becoming too great, and I could feel myself growing lightheaded.

  I turned around and saw someone standing there, holding up their gun at me. They had already pulled the trigger.

  There was a sudden sharp and stinging pain, and I couldn't help but fall to my knees.

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now