The Citrus Brothers - 3

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  "Why did you bring me here...?" I asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

  "That'd be because you're hiding something from me." He said, straightening his tie with his free hand.

"I already told you I don't have your damn case!" I growled.

"I couldn't give a damn if you did or not, Love. Gotta place the blame on someone." He smiled.

"Eh? You can't just place the blame on this innocent woman!" The dark skinned man said.

"Do you fuckin' like your arms?" The other man asked.

"Of course I like my arms."

"Well then you best believe that this lady here's taking the blame. Rather her arms than ours." He finished.

I took confused glances between both of the arguing men, when the dark skinned one looked towards me.

"Forgive my brother's behavior." He said with a sigh.

"What exactly... is going on here?" I cautiously asked.

The two brothers exchanged each other glances, trying to decide if they were going to tell the truth or come up with some story. Finally, the one I first met let out a sigh and turned his attention to me.

"Have you heard of the White Death?" He asked.

Of course I knew who the White Death was. Every assassin and shady back alley workers knew that name. He was a Russian who had fought his way up into the upper ranks of a well known clan, and took it over after murdering almost everyone in it. He wasn't to be messed with.

"The... White Death?" I questioned in an innocent manner, hoping to hide my identity as an assassin from them for at least a while longer.

"Playing dumb again?" He asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration. I didn't understand how he was so quick to read through my every move.

"Haah. Fine. I know who the White Death is." I answered honestly, rolling my eyes.

"Well," He continued, "That cheeky bastard in front of you just so happens to be his son."

"That's... his son?" I asked, almost let down.

The son furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed.

"The fuck do you mean by that?!" He growled, kicking my leg underneath the table.

"Exactly how it sounded." I smiled menacingly at him until he broke eye contact.

"Well. We're escorting him back to his lazy ass father and giving him the ransom money. The ransom money that just so happened to go missing. You sure you know nothing?" He asked one more time.

"I told you I had nothing to do with it." I groaned.

"Fine fine." He replied.

"So... to make it short, you plan on framing me for taking the ransom money?"

"Atta girl!" He said, ruffling up my hair as if he had no sense of personal space whatsoever.

"Oh, how lucky of me." I said, rolling my eyebrows.

At some point, I knew I was gonna have to book it. No way was I getting killed today. However, I knew there was nothing I could do right now other than wait for an opening. I looked down at my wrist that still longed to be free from the mans grasp and huffed.

"So... seeming that you're gonna be sticking around with us for a while, how about we introduce ourselves!" The dark skinned man spoke again, clearly trying to make light of a dark situation.

"I'm Lemon, and the one next to you is Tangerine."

"Like.... The fruit?" I questioned.

"Yes. Like the fuckin' fruit. I've had this conversation once today and I'm not having it again." Tangerine said, tapping his foot.

"So then, what's yours?" Lemon asked.

"Mine is...-"

Suddenly, the man named Tangerine slammed his fist on the table, making me jump.

"Cherrybomb!" He shouted.

"E-Eh?" I stuttered, wondering how he knew my codename.

"You're Cherrybomb. The assassin that kills men by seducing them, correct?"

I paused, wondering if I should just spill the beans. Clearly, these brothers were on a mission as well, and they had no issue letting me know. After a moment of thinking, I sighed heavily before nodding my head.

"Woohoo... you did it." I said in a sarcastic voice, pumping my fist into the air with my free hand.

"So... that's what you were hiding." He said, putting his fist to his chin.

After a few more moments of silence, Tangerine suddenly grabbed my tessen from my ponytail. I reached up to grab it, but he was quick to nudge my hand away.

"If you really are Cherrybomb, then I shouldn't be trusting you with this."

He pressed the button on the bottom of the tessen, revealing the sharp blades. Tangerine looked at the daggers on the top as they shimmered bright red from the blood of my last victims.

"And you didn't even clean it off. I didn't realize you were such an amateur." He sighed.

I watched as he pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped off the blades surprisingly gently.

"If you break it, I'll stab you in the fucking throat. Hear me?" I declared.

"Yeah yeah."

"So, Cherry, have you heard of Thomas the Tank Engine?" Lemon asked out of nowhere.

"You mean that kids show?" I asked.

He nodded enthusiastically, which made me feel on edge.

"Here we fuckin' go again." Tangerine sighed.

"I learned everything I know about people from Thomas. And you... you seem like a Percy."


  "Yep. A Percy. Young, bright, but not always there! Plus, you seem real good at annoying Tangerine. " He said, taking a sticker book from out of his pocket, removing the 'Percy' character, and placing it on the top of my hand that I had laid out on the table.

  I laughed awkwardly under my breath, not exactly sure how to respond.

  "Great. Now you went and scared her." Tangerine sighed.

  "You knocked her out with a gun and you're blaming him for scaring her?" The escort said, blowing his hair out of his face.

  Of course, that set off Tangerine, who began ranting about things that I could not care less about. I sighed and turned my attention to scenery outside of my window.

I ignored the three men as they chatted amongst themselves, trying to come up with a way to get out of here. After a moment, I felt Tangerine's grip on my wrist dissipate. I turned to see that him and Lemon were now standing out in the row, ready to go for round two.

"You're going to look for that case again?" I asked.

"We're going to look for that case again." Tangerine said, grabbing ahold of my arm and dragging me out into the aisle.

"Wh-Why me?!"

"Do I really have to answer that, Love?" He asked.

This guy was really getting on my nerves.

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now