Briefcase Burglar - 4

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"Alright. I'll take her up the train with me. You go down. You see 'em? Blow his fuckin' brains out and get that case." Tangerine said.

"And up is..." He murmured.

"This way. Towards Tokyo." I answered, pointing in front of me.

He looked at me, biting the inside of his cheek, before turning to Lemon as if he wanted his brother to confirm it.

"Sure is." Lemon said with a nod.

"Alright then. Let's get moving." Tangerine said.

He took a step in front of me and roughly dragged me along the aisle with him. I struggled not to trip over myself at first, but eventually I adapted to his quick pace.

"Let me know if you see anything suspicious." He says, making me scoff.

"What reason do I have to help you? You're gonna kill me in the end, so what does it matter?" I argued.

Tangerine let out a long, hard sigh. Stopping at the beginning of another car.

"Would you prefer it if I were to kill you right now?" He asked, turning his head to glare down at me.

I swallowed as my cheeks went red again. His piercing glare knocked me back into my submissive state. I'm sure he knew what he was doing, and God it pissed me off horribly. A sigh left my lips as I shook my head.

"Well then. That settles that." He said, preparing to move forward.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. Making him huff and quickly take it out. Without even looking at the number, he answered it.

I stood in silence as he had his conversation. Looking everywhere except him. The passengers near the end of the car, the blue seats and windows that glared against the lights of aisle. Even just hearing his voice made me feel that same sensation, but I would look odd to cover my ears so randomly.

I snapped out of my trance as he hung up, preparing to leave until he looked to his right.

"Fuckin' Christ!" He yelled.

I turned my head in his direction to see what all of the fuss was about, only to see a man with longer, blonde hair, who wore black framed glasses and a white bucket hat. He had a scruffy looking mustache and some hair on his chin that could hardly be considered a beard. He stared at us as if we were the odd one, despite being found in the luggage port with the curtain almost hiding him.

"You know it's rude to take calls in public places like this." He said with a raspy voice.

"I don't think I'm the one here who needs a lecture, you fucking freak." Tangerine growled back, roughly grabbing my wrist again.

"Let's go." He said, continuing to drag me along.

I looked at the man once more, slightly confused. He wore a look as if he'd already known Tangerine from somewhere. He stared intensely at me until I was out of his sight.

"What's that guy's deal?" I thought aloud.

"Tch. Couldn't fuckin' tell ya."

At this point, we had reached the VIP car. And still, there was no signs of a briefcase anywhere. Tangerine rubbed his temple as we walked down the aisle, murmuring many curses as he went. At the sight of a girl who looked like she was fresh out of high school, he stopped.

"My apologies. I wasn't aware there was a young lady present." He said with a lopsided smile.

How come he's never been that nice to me?

I looked between to two passengers in the seat. They were completely different from one another. The girl, on one hand, looked very young and cute with her black, straight hair that was held out of her face by a bret. Her collar shirt was covered by a pink sweater vest with a red skirt that was a bit longer than my own. Sitting across from her, was a man who looked like he'd seen better days. He looked at me with an angry but tired expression as his black bangs fell down over his face. He wore a jacket, scarf and collar shirt, which all looked pretty worn out.

"Oh. No worries!" She said, waving her hands in front of her.

"Hm. While I'm here. You haven't happen to see anyone running around with a briefcase, have you? It's got a... train sticker on the handle.

"A train sticker?" She questioned.

"Yes. A train sticker. Get on with it." I growled, putting a hand on my hip.

I had no idea why, but this lady really pissed me off. The way her smiles looked so fake and the way she carried herself. To me, she was a walking red flag.

She looked up at me, not saying anything before looking back to Tangerine.

"Hmm. Now that I think about it... I did see a guy with black framed glasses running around with one." She said, putting a finger to her chin.

"Black framed glasses..." I began, before we both looked at each other.

"Son of a bitch!" We yelled at the same time as he ran back from where we came, dragging me along with him.

"Dammit! Where did that bastard go...?" Tangerine groaned.

He took out his phone, quickly messaging Lemon to tell him he knew the culprit's identity.

"We need to go back and come up with a plan." Tangerine said.

"Pffsh. Boring. I'd rather just kill him on a whim." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You're not killing anybody. Either I or Lemon will do it." He argued.

"Haah? Why not?! You're making me chase this guy around and I don't even get any entertainment in return?" I complained.

"You better shut your trap before I end up blowing your brains out. Got it, Love?" He said with a lopsided grin as the grip on my wrist tightened. His cold rings pressing up against my skin, which was now heating up thanks to him.

I visibly swallowed, eyes shifting down to the floor. Once again, he had me right where he wanted me.

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