First Fight - 8

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  "Well... that's a neat trick." The man smiled awkwardly, already knowing where this was going.

  Tangerine immediately went for a punch, but the man slammed the bathroom door shut.

"You motherfucker!" He screamed, angrily pulling open the bathroom door once more and grabbing the dirty blonde by the collar.

He dragged him out of the bathroom and slammed him against the wall with a punch to the face. I stood there impatiently, looking for an opening where I could get in on the action, but Tangerine was very thorough with his beatdowns.

Quickly, we both came to the realization that this wasn't going to be the easiest fight to win. With a knee to the privates, Tangerine choked on his own saliva. Before he could retaliate, he was knocked off balance by another kick to his lower legs, being pushed to the ground. I took it as the perfect moment to attack, since his attention was mainly on Tangerine.

I pulled the tessen out of my ponytail, and swiftly kicked him in the back, making him trip over Tangerine's body as he began to get up. As I ran behind him, hoping to slit his throat, he elbowed me in the stomach and pushed me away. My knees trembled for a second as I attempted to keep my balance, and it left me in the perfect position to cut open his leg. If anything, It would prevent him from escaping.

"You're really starting to.. piss me off!" I huffed before lunging at his leg, digging my tessen into it.

"Fucking bastard!" Tangerine ran at him and locked his hands around the blonde man's collar, pushing him into the next room that seemed to be where they kept their food and drinks. He threw him against the counter and attempted to punch him in the face with his brass knuckles. As the man dodged it, he completely destroyed the doors to the cupboard behind his head.

Tangerine let out a grunt as he felt the force of one of the carts pushing him away from his target.

"Wait! I know who killed.. the kid!" The dirty blonde yelled, putting his hands out in front of his face.

"I couldn't give a rat's arse. Now where's my fucking case?!" He yelled, pushing the cart back to him.

Using the counter behind him as leverage, he jumped up onto the cart feet first, attempting to kick Tangerine, but I was able to grab his leg and pull him to the floor. Above my head I saw a coffee pot on the counter, and I grabbed ahold of it, ready to smash his head in with it until someone walked in. It was the attendant who had been walking around with the cart. Quickly, I stood up, and acted as if I was organizing the room. Tangerine stood on the other side, quickly wiping his bloody nose with his collar shirt. The man sat on the ground for a moment, pretending like he was looking for something on the ground.

"Ah. There it is." He said under his breath, picking up thin air and shoving it into his pocket.

"Sumimasen." She said with a smile as she pointed behind me.

"Ah! Gomen'nasai." I moved out of the way so she could retrieve what she needed.

I stood by the door and watched her as she grabbed a few more things, before she came back to the cart.

"Nani ka hoshidesu ka?" She asked, exchanging glances with everyone in the room.

"No thank you, Love." Tangerine shook his head.

"Oh. I'd love a bottle of water!" The man on the other side of the room said, receiving a confused look from Tangerine and I.

"Do you have anything... sparkling?" He asked.

After searching for a moment she picked up a clear bottle and handed it to him. He unscrewed the lid and took a sip, letting out a sigh of satisfaction.

🍒: *• ., Cherry! ,. •*:🍒 || Bullet Train (Tangerine) x OCWhere stories live. Discover now