Encounter - 2

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  I wondered if I should have cleaned up my mess in the car. Normally, I didn't bother, but I figured that since I was in a more public area that it was necessary. However, I was already two cars down by this point, so I shook the thought out of my head.

  In the third car, I found myself a seat in the middle. It was relatively empty in there, only with a few people sitting every here and there. The next stop would be in about five minutes. I knew I couldn't let my guard down, especially if someone found the bodies already. The sound of the mechanical door startled me as a man walked through it, cursing under his breath. I tried to pay no mind to him as he began pacing up and down the car, looking in every nook and cranny for something. Though I didn't get too good of a look at him, I could tell that he was very handsome. Dark brown, slicked back hair with neat facial hair. He was dressed as if he had a lot of money, and smelled strongly of whiskey and cigars. Soon, he returned to the far end of the car as the train began to slow down. I prepared myself to depart, making sure I still had everything along with me. Once the train came to a complete stop, I rose up from my seat, pretending to use my phone as I exited to not look strange. I noticed that the man was still standing at the end of the car.

  "Excuse me." I said, attempting to move past him.

  "Ah. Not so fast." He replied in a heavy British accent.

  I paused for a moment. Did he find the bodies? But how would he have so quickly tied it back to me?

  "Ah... Sorry. I'll just use the other door." I bowed and quickly turned away.

  Out of nowhere, he grabbed my wrist. The cold metal of his rings roughly pressing up against my skin. I turned back around to him with a look of concern.

  "Can I help you?" I said, losing my patience.

  "Don't go playin' fuckin' dumb with me." He said, raising his voice.

  I looked up at him for a moment, quickly trying to come up with something. If I didn't get off in a few seconds, I'd be stuck on here until the next stop.

  "....Actually... You look familiar. Do I know you?" I asked with a sudden change in tone.

  "What-?" He jumped as I placed my hands at his collarbone, slowly sliding them down his muscular chest.

  He backed up at the sudden action, leaving the perfect opportunity for me to quickly knee him in his lower stomach, and pin him to train's wall. His face squished up against the wall as I trapped him, digging my knee into his leg.

  "So... You know what I did then?" I growled, digging my nails into his suit.

  "You took my fuckin' case!" He answered in a way I didn't expect.

  "What case?!"

  "Stop playin' dumb!"

  "I'm not!"

  I noticed as the doors suddenly began to close. Quickly, I let go of the man and charged towards the door, but not making it in time.

  "Fuck, fuck fuck!" I yelled, pounding on the door.

  I quickly turned back around to see the male rubbing his shoulder, glaring at me heavily.

  "I'm serious! I don't have your case. So will you just leave me alone?" I shouted.

  "You might not have my case... but you do have something. You admitted to it. And I do love a good mystery." He said with a lopsided smile.

  I felt like I was frozen in place, but at the same time every part of my body was heating up like hot magma. Normally, I'd feel compelled to chop a man like this into pieces, but I couldn't find it within myself to even pull the tessen out of my ponytail.

  By the time I had snapped back to reality, he was right in front of me, attempting to punch me in the gut. I just barely scraped by it. I quickly pulled out my tessen, managing to cut open his arm enough to be painful, but not enough to cause major blood loss. I heard him grunt from the impact, as he grabbed my arm with his injured one, and struck me in the head with his gun. My body quickly fell limp.

  "Ah. I've gone and done it again." He says with a sigh, looking down at the girl with an eyepatch as he tried to figure out what made her so familiar to him.

  As the man walked back to his seat, he got many glances from other passengers who wondered what was wrong with me. If anyone had asked, he'd simply say:

  "She's just too drunk for her own good! Haha!"

  Before rushing down the row and cursing under his breath. Finally, he managed to get back to his seat, where their escort stared out of the train's window, bored out of his mind. He roughly shoved me into the seat closest to the window, before he sat down himself.

  "Who's...that?" The escort said, slightly concerned.

  "Found her while I was out lookin' for the bastard that took our briefcase." He answered.

  "So... she took it?" The other man sitting across from him asked.

  "Not really sure."

  "H-How are you 'not sure'?!" He replied in concern for the poor woman.

  My eyes fluttered open at all of the sudden noise. I gripped the back of my head and whined, before realizing I wasn't where I was before. I jumped up, and looked around at the three boys. One, a delinquent looking boy with tattoos and straight hair that fell down to his neck. The other looked similar to the man that had brought me here. He had dark skin, bleached hair and dark brown eyes. His suit was similar to the other mans, but he seemed to be a little more carefree in the way he carries himself. I then looked to my side to be greeted to the man from before, who after all this time, was still tightly holding my wrist as to make sure I went nowhere. He glared down at me, causing me to feel that same sensation of freezing and burning all at once. My face had gone red as I flipped my head away, making him let out a small huff under his breath.

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