The Greyjoy Rebbelion

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289 ACLocation:- Winterfell

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289 AC
Location:- Winterfell


Quellon Greyjoy was Lord Reaper of Pyke which is the traditional title of the lords from House Greyjoy, during Robert's Rebellion he desired to strengthen the ties with the rest of the 7 kingdoms. He remained neutral for most of the war, but Quellon decided to rise in support of Robert after the Battle of the Trident. He died in battle and after his successor and eldest son Balon Greyjoy rejected the reforms and desired independence for the ironborn.

Over five years Lord Balon constructed a new fleet of one hundred war galleys, the Iron Fleet.
Balon believed that Robert I's rule was insecure, that the new king lacked support amongst the nobility and would not be able to muster a host against the ironborn.

And now six years after Robert overthrew my house, Balon proclaimed himself King of the Iron Islands and has led a rebellion against the Iron Throne.

I hope and wish Lord Balon wins and kills Robert but I should know better than to hope and wish for such childish things for Robert has superior numbers and resources to crush the rebellion and he did, with the support of the Lannisters and all of Stormlands and the Reach.

Robert was supported by Lord Eddard Stark and Tywin Lannister, the Wardens of the North and West, which shouldn't surprise me.

Siege Of Pyke

The final battle was on the island of Pyke, led by Robert and his childhood friend, Eddard.
Botley castle was destroyed, as was the town of Lordsport beneath it, before the main attack on the castle of Pyke was launched.

Robert's forces assaulted the southern wall with siege engines, shattering the main watchtower and bringing parts of the surrounding wall down.
Maron Greyjoy second of Balon's three sons were killed in the breach.
The fighting in the castle was fierce, but eventually, the castle was taken.

Balon, was brought before Robert in chains, to bend the knee and he was forced to swear fealty once more to the Iron Throne.

Balon Greyjoy surrendered, his two eldest sons Rodrick and Maron Greyjoy were killed, and his last surviving son, nine-year-old Theon is given into the care of Lord Stark as a hostage to ensure Balon's good behavior.

Amara's POV

And here we are now in Winterfell when Lord Eddard returned from the war he bought with him a boy my age named Theon Greyjoy. 


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