Dragon in Lions clothing.

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285 AC
Location: The Eyrie - Vale of Arryn

Amara's POV

Amara was in the library reading a book written by a maester of the citadel who traveled to the free cities, but the lighting was bad in this room so she started looking for more candles while also thinking about her family and life.

Amara was now 4 name days old and nearing her 5th name day a few moons later and tries her hardest to remember her mother or father's face but fails every time.

Her sister Allysandra was 2 name days old nearing her 3rd name day in a few moons herself, both the sisters were currently sent to live at the Vale as wards to Jon Arryn by King Robert Baratheon for...... for...... actually nobody knows why were sent here all I was told was that we are to live at the Vale until they we are commanded to come back, they have been here a year now infact Amara and Allysandra were sent to live at the Vale a few weeks after the new king and queen's wedding.

Amara's twin was sent to live at Casterlyrock being taken care of by their Grandfather Lord Tywin Lannister as you remember, the only one of the three siblings who gets to live with a blood relative, most likely so he can become the future lord of Casterlyrock.
Lucky bastard Amara thought.

Now back to what we were discussing, I have tried to remember mother and father and how they looked like before......they......were..... nevermind let's not think about that let us not think about that..... again 'Sigh'.

I do however still remember what Uncle Rhaegar looked like.

I do however still remember what Uncle Rhaegar looked like

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She remembered how little Aegon was.

She remembered how little Aegon was

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